
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Are You Taking Advantage of Online Business Opportunities or Playing it Safe?

I'm a real believer in the laws of attraction, positive thinking and visualization. What most people don't know is that you need to attach positive feelings to the things you are trying to attract because if you don't fiercely believe you can have them, you'll only attract what you don't want. This is true in your personal life and in business. But it doesn't hurt to also know the right people who can help you along the way.

There are opportunities around us every day. How many of us actually act on those opportunities? Instead of taking action, we play mind games with ourselves and question every angle of the opportunity before we decide to do something. This is playing is safe. Unfortunately, business is not about playing it safe - it's about taking calculated risks to take advantage of the opportunities.

Have you ever thought about the opportunities you had in the past that you let slip away because you didn't want to "take a chance?" The online world moves much faster than an offline business and if you're not ready to let go of the past and reach out for your future, you'll just end up with one more thing to regret.

Running an Internet business is lonely and isolates you unless you make the time to network with other Internet businesses. This isn't easy because most of us are shielded by no reply eMail addresses, no published phone numbers and perhaps a support staff that takes care of customer service. Getting through to the business owner is time consuming and challenging. If you're trying to contact a well known Internet marketer, they are probably inundated with contact requests on a daily basis.

In reality, it's almost impossible to build an online business without networking partners that can help you reach a wider audience. After all, thousands of websites come online every day and your chance to increase traffic to your site is dwindling by the minute as people vie to capture new visitors.

If you can't increase traffic, you can't increase profits since this is basically a numbers game. More visitors translates into the increased ability to turn them into paying customers.

This is my first point to every single online marketer out there. If I had five minutes to talk to every single person with an online business, looking for advice, this is what I'd tell them. Opportunities exist, all kinds of opportunities, things that might not have even been thought about. They're everywhere and if you want to be a great success, they need to be taken advantage of at every step.

Exactly how do you make networking contacts? By attending seminars and joining in the after seminar festivities, not just isolating in the seminar itself. Inside Internet forums, membership sites, and most of all making sure you are participating. Networking that leads to business partnerships is a give and take opportunity. Unfortunately, I see too many people on the Internet looking to take and not give back. If you are not willing to play fair in your business relationships, word will get around quickly and it won't matter how much networking you do, you'll be left out.

Business opportunities happen every day and you might just be the right person for the deal. But you'll never know unless you get out there and network and take the chance.

Digital Info Diva supports Internet marketers. Sign up for my customer service tips and learn how to profit from your customer issues.


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