
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

11 Successful Ways To Structure Your Article So That It is Easy to Write and to Read

An article is not just a solid slab of text. It has a structure. The structure helps the reader understand the message of the author and also makes it easier for the author to write the article.

Here are a few classic structures that are commonly used by article authors

1. A Check list or Tip Sheet

A check list is one of the commonest styles or structures used by writers. Typical titles are "7 Ways to Get Started with Article Writing" and "Latest 6 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Explode Your Article Writing". So you could have "10 Ways To Make your Hamster Happy" or "3 Powerful Tips to Tone Up your Abs".

2. Reviews of Products and Services

If you know you niche well you'll be aware that new products and updated products are coming out weekly if not daily. It is a simple matter to describe and discuss the latest camera, car, ebook or whatever.

This kind of article is the one most likely to earn money fast; especially if you do the review soon after the product is released. If you put your article on a popular article directory and use a link that obeys the rules of the site, readers may click through and buy the product. Not all article sites allow affiliate links so it's down to you to check. If they do not you can direct your readers to a free report you have written which is simply a longer review in pdf and put your affiliate links in that!

If you target the right products and model numbers you can make a significant income. Fast moving expensive products are most suitable for this treatment-software is a good example.

In my free report "7 Secrets Every Newbie Needs To Know" I have warned my readers about the prevalence of bogus review sites on the Net. The formula is to feature a product and simply rave enthusiastically about it and then leave a few affiliate links handy!

A slight refinement of the outright hype or rave review is to give a very good "review" and mention a small flaw in the product. Sometimes the "reviewer" will offer a guide or ebook to overcome this flaw. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck...a bogus review is still a bogus review.

Bogus review sites are good for your overall business because you will quickly build a reputation for honesty by doing genuine reviews and caring for your subscribers and that builds a following

If you are writing a genuine review you must constructively criticise the product! This is easy if you know your niche. An editorial tone is suitable for a review and works better than outright endorsement.

3. Here Is The News!

Can you profit from a news item? The simplest way is in your blog. Every day news channels are delivering vast amounts of information and some of it can be blogged! You can easily include an affiliate link to a product that is relevant

4. Comparison shopping

The benefits of one form of investing over another; the Nikon PQR or the Canon XYZ? To holiday in Tuscany or Tuscaloosa? Time release Vitamins or normal. "To be or not to be...?"

5. Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are surprisingly popular and very easy to write and assemble as an article. "FAQ When Buying a New Computer".

6. Tell People What's Good

Benefits are a motivating and pleasant way to write. Just feel happy about something and write about it. Sadly this could be interpreted as "hype", so run a cool editorial eye over the article a day or two after writing it and before you publish it.

7. How To ...

How to write articles, How to make Yummy Apple Pies. No end to it really!

8. Autobiography

Not your whole life! As an example I will refer you to the home page of just read the paragraph, "One morning I was excited..." That is a real extract from my childhood. There are many ways you can illustrate a point with a short personal story. People like stories. Change that to "well told stories".

9. Break out your calendar!

In Spring I can write about allergies; at midsummer about heatstroke; autumn about-Halloween, Thanksgiving....Xmas, New Year....OK?

10. What is..?

Asking questions hooks the reader. Ask a question you can discuss in your article. What is the best question to ask?

11. The Downside

I did not want to talk about negative things but this is a legitimate structure for an article. "Things to look out for when buying a new computer" or "Avoid these hazards and have a happy camping holiday". The old newspaper maxim is, "If it bleeds, it leads"

A knowledge of the classic structures of articles is essential for the new article writer. Knowing these structures can help to bridge the gap between having the idea of writing and actually doing it.

Many writers struggle with "writer's block" and having a structure to begin to put your ideas in is a way to overcome it.

Some structures, like a review for a new product, suggest themselves but it can help to trigger ideas to run through these article styles when starting to write your article. It may be that an article will best be suited to a mixture of the structures listed above.

The crucial test is whether it reads well. Reading your article aloud is the best way to see where the problems are and how to fix them.

Taking extra pains at the time of choosing the right structure for your article produces an article that scans well and produces a happy reader.

And that is what it's all about!

For more great ideas on using Article Marketing visit the author's website and get your own copy of "Article Marketing the Right Way" by Alex Newell


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