
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Top 3 Ways to Fail at Article Marketing

Everyone seems to agree that articles are a phenomenal way of getting a good foothold in your online niche space - with all of the tips, tricks and fads, it seems pretty certain that article marketing will be a solid and secure strategy for years to come, right? What amazes me nonetheless is how SO many people seem to take a simple and straightforward strategy and just muck the whole thing up in the name of a few quick bucks and a quick end around approach to building a real business, rather than simply putting in the effort to make it happen.

The good news it this: If you aren't one of the sheep at the back of the pack buying into all of the boisterous buffoonery that the guys at the top want you to believe, and are willing to work hard, articles that you write for both content, and promotion are going to give you a HUGE leg up on your lackluster competition. For the rest of you who are going for the quick fix, here are a few of the TOP ways you should keep in mind as you strive to chase your tail for another few years..:-)

1) Don't write ANY of your own content. Simply spend your paycheck buying PLR memberships, article spinners and content creation programs. The guys selling all of these programs REALLY appreciate your patronage, and should you make the rash decision to actually create some unique, valuable content, many of these guys would have to find another meal ticket to milk. This wouldn't be nice to do, especially around the holidays.

2) Mass submit all of your articles to EVERY directory on the net. The more times your exact article shows up in every PR 0 and 1 directory online, the more of an authority you appear to be. Remember, all of those splogs that are carrying your content is a good thing - and paying that service to ensure that your apple pie recipe shows up in the travel directories database does help too. The more the merrier.

3) In your resource box - make sure you talk A LOT about yourself. Share all the awards you have won, and make sure to post a picture of yourself with a tank top on, because that REALLY juices up your click through rates. ( no pun intended) If you've got a cool pair of sunglasses, make sure you have them on when you take the picture to include in your bio, too. Also - if you have 20 free blogs, make sure to list at least 10 of them here, preferably in alphabetical order.

That's it! If you follow these three simple steps, well - let's just say you'll join the hundreds, if not thousands of other article marketers following these sure fire strategies for an ignominious end to their internet marketing aspirations. Or - you could simply roll your sleeves up, give up on the gurus, and get to work..:-) Either way, have fun and good luck!

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