
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Article Marketing Secret It's Not All About the Links

You submit an article to as many article directories as possible with a link to your site in the signature block and you get loads of one-way links Thats what we see everyday right? While that statement is true, it is not the key to article marketing success.

The key to article marketing success is obtained by

1. Creating quality articles that are interesting enough for the viewer to follow-through to your signature block and click on your link.

2. Maintaining a constant flow of articles to the top few article directories and sites in your niche.

You may have heard these two statements in the past and chalked it up as not important. If you did, you made a big mistake.

The fact is, your articles MUST be interesting and valuable. If the viewers are not interested enough in your article they will not go past the description, let alone follow-through to your signature block.

At the same time, even if your articles are of great quality and do convert article viewers to website visitors, if you only have a few out there you will not get a considerable amount of traffic from them.

Sure, its true that on rare occasions an article could go completely viral and generate thousands of site views but it is likely? Even if you do have an article or two that goes extremely viral, the traffic will most likely not last.

If you are creating quality articles, every one that you publish to the Internet will bring in a small trickle of website visitors. The more articles you have out there, the larger that trickle will grow.

If you implement the two very basic tips that I just outlined into your article marketing campaign, along with a good signature block and title, you will see the true benefit to article marketing in a very short amount of time.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster who has been effectively marketing with articles for over 2 years. If you would like to learn effective Article Marketing and begin to see the Free visitors that everyone always seems to talk about but never prove, then take a look at You can also promote Article Marketing Domination and earn 50% on every sell you make by visiting

Article Marketing - Why Should You Use It?

Writing 300 400 word articles and submitting them to multiple article directories allowing other publishers to make use of them on their own websites or in publications is easy, fun, and profitable.

Allowing others to use your articles not only gives the publishers free content, it gives you free advertising and more traffic back to your own website. You can benefit in the short term because publication on websites, in ezines and newsletters can give you instant traffic. In the mean time your articles will remain on the article directories. When people do searches on Google or any of the other search engines they use keywords. Should those keywords be relevant to an article that you have written your article may be returned by the search engine long after they are no longer they are no longer on websites or in ezines.

Submit your articles to as many article directories as you can. The chances of readers clicking through to your website increases exponentially as you increase the number of article directories to which your work is submitted

Writing articles in your chosen niche will build your personal credibility. In time you will become known as an expert and your name will be recognized as people begin to read more of your articles. With credibility comes trust. With trust comes higher sales volume. Building your credibility will also allow you to begin to market products of higher value. If you were purchasing a vacuum cleaner and were given two choices, the first being a generic model from your local Wal-Mart, and the second a Kirby. Both products are selling for the exact same price. Which would you choose? Most people would choose the Kirby because it is a name they recognize. The same holds true in article marketing. When people begin to recognize your name you will see your sales increase

Using Article Marketing can improve the ranking of your own website based on the increased number of links back to your site from the publishers of your articles and the article banks themselves. Improved page ranking will get your site moved up farther in the search engine results. Appearing higher in search engine results equates to more sales.

Would you like to know how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website?

Get my complimentary Report HERE and start the stampede today!

Article Marketing & Submission - How to Write a Really Bad Resource Box for Your Articles

Do you know how to write a really bad resource box for your articles? Well you will after reading and using this article.

Bad resource box tips

As an article writing and marketing coach I've seen some pretty bad resource boxes. Here are a few tips so you too can write a really bad resource box.

Tip 1 -- no resource box -- believe it or not I've seen people leave the resource box blank. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Solution -- at least get something in there.

Tip 2 -- your virtual ego wall -- write down every accomplishment you've ever made. List your degrees, books written, and how much your parents really like you.

Solution -- the resource box is not about you. A great resource box is all about the reader and what's in it for them.

Tip 3 -- convince the reader you are an expert -- talk about all your years experience and how you are in the expert in this area.

Solution -- if you have not convinced the reader that you are an expert in your article, it's way too late to do it now. Again, resource box is not about you it's about your reader.

Tip 4 -- do not ask the reader to do anything. I fail to take someone who has just read information from you and invite them to do anything else at all.

Solution -- create compelling call to action that takes the reader by the hand and not only asks them shows them what to do next.

Tip 5 -- do not include any active links back to your website or blog. Treat the reader like someone watching the final episode of the Sopranos and just leave them hanging.

Solution -- include at least one active link back to your website or blog so the reader can engage you further.

Follow these tips and you too can create bad resource box is when writing your articles.

Thanks for playing with me in this article. Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

5 - Great Tips for Article Marketing Success

Article marketing success is directly proportional to your online business. And to become real time successful out there, you certainly have to take extreme care on how you design your content. Remember, that those who underplay with the content part have already lost enough time and money. Guys, over the gruesome Internet world time are money. You count on every second, and every second gives you some monetary gains.

I list below some of worth noticing tips for making Article marketing success a dream come true over the Internet.

  • As I said earlier, content is the monarch and you have to every reason to give it your due consideration. Make the content dynamic in those business centric articles. Once you do that, you'll surely earn the fruits.
  • Keep the text as crisp and direct as possible. Since, most of the online traffic is not there for judging your creativity. They are surfing with a latent mission, to do business and earn money in minutes. Therefore, if you convey what you want to say in least possible words, you have already made partial success.
  • Mobilize the quality traffic to your business website. Through the postings in popular web directories and giving the links below in the articles, you can direct the prospective audience into real business yielding clients.
  • Article marketing success entails use of innovative content management system as well as niche blog posting tools. Some of these tools such as Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc. have the awesome potential to turn your online business into a high success rate.
  • Submit your content in the right and popular web directories. Many times, online marketers are in great hurry and submit the text in wrong directories. As the result the motive is not solved, leading to wastage of resources. What's more, you can go ahead and employ professional marketing services.
These and many give you the first hand information about the online article marketing success. Remember, in the Internet marketing, strategy always works to your benefit, if you have all the tools in place.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

Article Marketing-Why Is Article Marketing So Important In My Internet Business?

Article marketing is the number one thing I do online. Why? Why do I spend time writing articles when there are so many other good ways to make money online?

I actually stumbled into article marketing to make money online. I started with a small website, and to get search engine traffic, I did two things: 1) I submitted to web directories and 2) I wrote articles, included my links, and submitted them to various article directories online.

What happened? The first thing that happened is that I gained top ten search engine rankings for several different keywords and then I continued to submit articles, but I began testing the article directories for best response. I found one that out paced all the others combined, and began to submit only to that article directory.

My traffic began to climb but what happened that was even more exciting was that the people who subscribed to my list via the article marketing each bought as much as 5 times as much as visitors derived from most other sources (outperforming PPC by about 10 times or more).

This of course surprised me, but when I began to think about it, I realized what had happened anyhow, this is my theory:

1) I write a lot of articles. So people have the opportunity to get to know me before the subscribe to my list they already have passed the relationship building step before they get to my list, so I can start selling my products right away, while they are still hot, interested in the types of products I offer.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Fast Article Marketing - 4 First Steps to Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly one of the most trusted traffic generating tools in the World Wide Web today. It allows you not only to show your expertise on your field but it also gives you an opportunity to create numerous links to you website in as little time as possible. If you are looking for ways to augment your traffic and your site's popularity, you should definitely give article marketing a try. Here are the first 4 steps to get you started with this amazing traffic generating tool.

1. If you are going to engage with article marketing, you better have a lot of article topics in mind. To get you organized, I suggest that you jot down all the possible topics that you would like to write about. The more topics, the better. Then use keyword suggestion tools to get an idea on what keywords you should use on each of your articles.

2. Commit yourself to writing at least 2 articles per day. Since each submission grants you 1 quality inbound link, it would really help if you can come up with a lot of articles. 2 articles per day will give you 14 articles per week. 14 new additional inbound links for your website every week will definitely help you get a higher page ranking on major search engines.

3. Focus on the quality of your articles. Remember, online users will judge you and your expertise based on the articles that you produce. Thus, it is very crucial that you come up with articles that are well-written, useful, relevant, and timely.

4. Pick the submission sites where you will post your articles. Choose those ones that have higher page ranking and have steady client based. You do not want to post your articles to submission sites that cannot help you drive traffic to your website, right?

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.