
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Advanced Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

Marketers often describe article marketing as simply the best. It is the perfect traffic generating tool as it provides online users what they truly need - information without burning your pockets. It is also a great product promotional tool as it can easily build up your offerings without the need to resort to expensive paid advertising tools.

Here are the 4 advanced steps to energize your article marketing:

1. Use interesting titles. This is the first step to attract the right kind of attention online. As you need online users to open and read you content, you need to make your titles sound very interesting and inviting. Use powerful words that can evoke action or target emotions. You can also make your titles intriguing by challenging logic or revealing trade secrets like "10 Things Your Realtor Will Never Tell You".

2. Create an author's bio. If you want your readers to get to know your more on a personal level (this can help in building rapport with them) create a simple but striking author's bio. Post your most recent, most friendly-looking photo and communicate your interests, hobbies, expertise, and other personal information that your readers can easily relate to.

3. Impress your readers. It is important that you give them great reading experience so they will be compelled to read your articles in their entirety and increase the chances of your resource box being clicked. Fill your articles with valuable content, make sure that your ideas flow well, and eliminate errors that can easily annoy your readers.

4. Use keywords. Most online users use search engines when they search for information online. If you want your articles to fare well on relevant searches, you must learn how to identify the keywords that are highly relevant to your target niche and how to strategically position them on your content.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Importance of Writing 10 Articles A Day

It's a known fact, the more articles you write, the more successful your article marketing is going to become. Why? Because if you were to write more than 300 articles, your articles will get onto search engines first page. I promise that they will. The more that you flood the market with your articles, the more that your audience is going to be able to touch onto your articles. The more that your articles are going to be able to touch onto your articles, the more your readers are going to be sending links to your article to other people. This is a great way to get inbound links!

That is why I cannot stress enough why writing ten articles a day will help you in your article marketing journey. Writing at least ten articles a day will get you more publicity, and more traffic your website or more promotion about your business. Articles are very powerful in hoards. They really are. In fact, your not going to see the traffic that articles can really give you unless you write about 250 articles. This is a lot of articles. I'm not going to lie. So to break it up, just write ten articles a day. But some article marketers aren't able to write ten articles day. So to help you out, here are some helpful pointers to get you to write those ten articles.

  • Just by sitting down and actually getting onto your article hosting server is a great way to get you to write your articles. Article marketers might become lazy and not even log onto their article writing account. Just log on and see how many articles your going to write.

  • Some marketers might have writers block. This is easy to overcome. Just read other articles about your subject. This is a great way to get new ideas and to get out of the slump that you're in.

  • Try setting a certain amount of time in your day dedicated to writing ten articles a day. It seriously only takes about an hour out of your day when you get the hang of it. Just try it out.

Writing ten articles a day is important to your article marketing success! So get out there and write those ten articles!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

How I First Started to Submit My Article?

I often wondered about online publishing and how to submit my article. There were numerous text submission sites, but which one will work to my benefit was still looming my mind. I kept searching through months, probably because I wasn't that much geek as you are; or for that matter, other people who have liking for surfing on net. However, once I got the track I found to be thoroughly into it.

Through continuous reading about the process over the Internet, I came to know, that for submission, it was important to have a well-documented article ready on my desktop. Now, what is that? I questioned to myself. Therefore, before I actually went ahead to submit my article, I searched for an attractive title, which could fetch me a good reading traffic. Friends, it wasn't so easy. Grilling, that's the right fit here. At last, I was there. I got the topic of my choice, which was most visited over the web and to which very little information was available out on Internet.

Once I was through with my content, it was time for next daunting task, which called for real time action. And the question was how and where I would submit my article. Besides, who would read it and how would I come to know about the total volume of people who will actually read my document. Now this is important for me. I got the information from one of search engine optimization website and there I was, ready with my rucksack with around a bunch of eight content pieces.

You know, I did submit my article one by one to top 10 online directories. Moreover, with fingers crossed I was madly waiting for the ranking figures. To my amazing surprise, my text was tracked successfully. I was hats off that spiders did liked my food -My content. My page rank was 5 and it was a great thing according to me, when your page rank jumps to level 5 on the very 3rd day of putting the text on article directories out there.

Now, I would say that the decision to submit my article was a calculated one and it worked against my tantrums. This is great!

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

How I First Started to Submit My Article?

I often wondered about online publishing and how to submit my article. There were numerous text submission sites, but which one will work to my benefit was still looming my mind. I kept searching through months, probably because I wasn't that much geek as you are; or for that matter, other people who have liking for surfing on net. However, once I got the track I found to be thoroughly into it.

Through continuous reading about the process over the Internet, I came to know, that for submission, it was important to have a well-documented article ready on my desktop. Now, what is that? I questioned to myself. Therefore, before I actually went ahead to submit my article, I searched for an attractive title, which could fetch me a good reading traffic. Friends, it wasn't so easy. Grilling, that's the right fit here. At last, I was there. I got the topic of my choice, which was most visited over the web and to which very little information was available out on Internet.

Once I was through with my content, it was time for next daunting task, which called for real time action. And the question was how and where I would submit my article. Besides, who would read it and how would I come to know about the total volume of people who will actually read my document. Now this is important for me. I got the information from one of search engine optimization website and there I was, ready with my rucksack with around a bunch of eight content pieces.

You know, I did submit my article one by one to top 10 online directories. Moreover, with fingers crossed I was madly waiting for the ranking figures. To my amazing surprise, my text was tracked successfully. I was hats off that spiders did liked my food -My content. My page rank was 5 and it was a great thing according to me, when your page rank jumps to level 5 on the very 3rd day of putting the text on article directories out there.

Now, I would say that the decision to submit my article was a calculated one and it worked against my tantrums. This is great!

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

The Best Way to Format Your Winning Article

When it comes to article marketing, writing skill is important. If you possess such skill, congratulations, you are well ahead in the game. The question is, how can you format your article in such a way that produces the best results you want?

Usually, a good article starts with a striking and attention grabbing headline. But, the headline cannot be hype. Right after the headline, you should have a sub headline, which also should not be hype. The ability to create good headlines is very important, especially in the Internet World.

Bear in mind that other than the headline, there is no other means like a cover to judge your article by. The headline must attract the potential reader to read the article, and the sub headline should also serve the same purpose, stating what the article is all about.

An effective article will be between 300 and 500 words in length, consists of not less than three paragraphs. Paragraph with only 1 sentence should be avoided, unless that sentence is just a few words long and needs to stand out for special attention.

The opening paragraph is important because it contains the main key point you want the reader to know about the article, and what they will learn in the following sentences. Remember the thesis you wrote in high school or college? The same applies to articles writing too. You can either make a statement or ask a question, then prove it or answer it within the context of the article. It is crucial that you keep the reader interested and hence he will continue reading the next paragraph, and the next until he reaches the end of the articles.

You should wrap up your article at the last paragraph, summarizing what has been conveyed in the body of the article. Following the final paragraph, a resource box should be provided, which contains critical information about the author you and should include a link to your website, where the reader can learn more about the topic you have discussed in the article.

Last but not least, you want to let readers know that they are free to reprint your article or even post it at their blog as long as it stays intact and includes the resource box. This is where your article can become a viral marketing tool.

When you have finished writing your article, put it aside and read it again the following day. You will find that you may have been too subjective about the topic. Seek a second opinion about your article and ask for criticism.

CW Teo established as his Home Based Business. He advocates articles marketing as one key strategy in Internet Marketing. For quality articles, he recommends Free Expert Articles Pack worth $67 is available for download here.

The Best Way to Format Your Winning Article

When it comes to article marketing, writing skill is important. If you possess such skill, congratulations, you are well ahead in the game. The question is, how can you format your article in such a way that produces the best results you want?

Usually, a good article starts with a striking and attention grabbing headline. But, the headline cannot be hype. Right after the headline, you should have a sub headline, which also should not be hype. The ability to create good headlines is very important, especially in the Internet World.

Bear in mind that other than the headline, there is no other means like a cover to judge your article by. The headline must attract the potential reader to read the article, and the sub headline should also serve the same purpose, stating what the article is all about.

An effective article will be between 300 and 500 words in length, consists of not less than three paragraphs. Paragraph with only 1 sentence should be avoided, unless that sentence is just a few words long and needs to stand out for special attention.

The opening paragraph is important because it contains the main key point you want the reader to know about the article, and what they will learn in the following sentences. Remember the thesis you wrote in high school or college? The same applies to articles writing too. You can either make a statement or ask a question, then prove it or answer it within the context of the article. It is crucial that you keep the reader interested and hence he will continue reading the next paragraph, and the next until he reaches the end of the articles.

You should wrap up your article at the last paragraph, summarizing what has been conveyed in the body of the article. Following the final paragraph, a resource box should be provided, which contains critical information about the author you and should include a link to your website, where the reader can learn more about the topic you have discussed in the article.

Last but not least, you want to let readers know that they are free to reprint your article or even post it at their blog as long as it stays intact and includes the resource box. This is where your article can become a viral marketing tool.

When you have finished writing your article, put it aside and read it again the following day. You will find that you may have been too subjective about the topic. Seek a second opinion about your article and ask for criticism.

CW Teo established as his Home Based Business. He advocates articles marketing as one key strategy in Internet Marketing. For quality articles, he recommends Free Expert Articles Pack worth $67 is available for download here.

Online Marketing - Do it Right and Explode Your Profits

Online marketing comes easy for some, not so easy for others. The marketing strategies you use in your online business will make all the difference in whether you fail or succeed! Isn't it time you learned the right methods to start pulling big profits in your business?

There are many aspects to being successful in online marketing. Do you write good articles? Article marketing is one of the most effective methods you can use to promote your business, and build hundreds of links back to your site. Great for business, and the search engines love it too! Writing articles will help raise your page rank with the search engines.

Perhaps the most crucial online marketing strategy is email marketing. In order to use this method, you need to have an opt-in list of prospective customers and email addresses. To achieve this, advertise a free newsletter, free reports or ebooks on your site, and have a form for your readers to sign up with.

Having a survey form on your site is also very effective in building your list. Ask your readers what subject they have the most trouble with, what kind of information they are interested in. Then give them the solutions! Your expert opinion, great product or information will greatly enhance their trust in you, and they will want to do business with you because of your knowledge and interest in their wants and needs!

Blogging has become another great form of online marketing. Search engines love blogs because of their frequently updated content, and posting interesting and informative information on your blog will greatly enhance your business. Be sure to link to your site and products from your blog occasionally.

Your sales copy can GREATLY increase your sales and profits, or if done incorrectly can KILL your business. Sales copy must be attention-grabbing, provocative and hypnotic - write so that your readers cannot stop reading! Build gradually into talking about your product or service, what it will do for them, and why they can't live without it. This will increase your sales dramatically.

These are a few of the marketing strategies you MUST implement into your online business. They may seem a little difficult at first, but study other successful sites and practice, and it will get easier every day. With a little time, practice and dedication you will soon find yourself with an income generating business that is growing every day. This will happen for you, if you dedicate yourself to practicing the essential methods of online marketing!

Tess Tackett is the owner of Internet Marketing for Tightwads, where you will find hundreds of marketing strategies, tips, articles and ideas for ANY type of online business.

Online Marketing - Do it Right and Explode Your Profits

Online marketing comes easy for some, not so easy for others. The marketing strategies you use in your online business will make all the difference in whether you fail or succeed! Isn't it time you learned the right methods to start pulling big profits in your business?

There are many aspects to being successful in online marketing. Do you write good articles? Article marketing is one of the most effective methods you can use to promote your business, and build hundreds of links back to your site. Great for business, and the search engines love it too! Writing articles will help raise your page rank with the search engines.

Perhaps the most crucial online marketing strategy is email marketing. In order to use this method, you need to have an opt-in list of prospective customers and email addresses. To achieve this, advertise a free newsletter, free reports or ebooks on your site, and have a form for your readers to sign up with.

Having a survey form on your site is also very effective in building your list. Ask your readers what subject they have the most trouble with, what kind of information they are interested in. Then give them the solutions! Your expert opinion, great product or information will greatly enhance their trust in you, and they will want to do business with you because of your knowledge and interest in their wants and needs!

Blogging has become another great form of online marketing. Search engines love blogs because of their frequently updated content, and posting interesting and informative information on your blog will greatly enhance your business. Be sure to link to your site and products from your blog occasionally.

Your sales copy can GREATLY increase your sales and profits, or if done incorrectly can KILL your business. Sales copy must be attention-grabbing, provocative and hypnotic - write so that your readers cannot stop reading! Build gradually into talking about your product or service, what it will do for them, and why they can't live without it. This will increase your sales dramatically.

These are a few of the marketing strategies you MUST implement into your online business. They may seem a little difficult at first, but study other successful sites and practice, and it will get easier every day. With a little time, practice and dedication you will soon find yourself with an income generating business that is growing every day. This will happen for you, if you dedicate yourself to practicing the essential methods of online marketing!

Tess Tackett is the owner of Internet Marketing for Tightwads, where you will find hundreds of marketing strategies, tips, articles and ideas for ANY type of online business.

Article Marketing - A Brief Scenario

To begin with, Article Marketing has increasingly assumed a lot of importance as an effective and indispensable SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. Seasoned Search Engine Optimizers are recommending as well as practicing this strategy extensively in order to promote the business interests of their clients. And they are not doing it as a matter of beating the line. They are actually creatively promoting their client's website, bringing in potential business and consequent optimized turnover.

Seriously speaking, the web marketers face a dare devil job of promoting a website out of a flood of other websites promoting identical products and services. The direct fall out of anonymity of a website is the flat defeat of its purpose, which is to make profit. The web presence of any website is largely determined by how the website fares in the SERPs (Search Engine Rank Pages) at Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines. The fact or rather the objective, in turn, emphasizes on quantity of quality inbound links to the website in question. And Article Marketing presents itself as a competent answer.

In Article Marketing, a website submits informative articles that revolve around the basic subject or business of the website. The articles contain a resource box which contains a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As the websites to which the articles are submitted, are basically established forums, blogs and e-magazines, they have their own faithful following of readers. Further, Google and other search engines search out these web articles for their informational value and closely matching keywords. These articles hit many birds in the bush with a single stone.

Article Marketing helps build up brand equity for the website, which is a domino effect of link popularity and high esteem enjoyed by the website as an expert. The articles serve as confidence building measures that reinforce the creditability and utility of the website in the minds of its customers and prospects. With strengthened publicity, the website gradually becomes a name to reckon with in the business sphere.

What's more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is write quality articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. Some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums/ blogs/ e-zines.

Article Marketing also saves the website from some major ordeals that are otherwise required by regular sales and marketing strategies. No website enjoys making cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. Article marketing comfortably rescues the websites from indulging into these hard-to-do marketing stunts, as well as, saves financial resources in the process.

As the option of article marketing is open to all, the quality of articles finally dictates the value of the articles and the magnitude of exposure. So, it is important to pay attention to the quality of content submitted through these articles. With consistency in quality of content, the website is able to establish itself as an expert author. This in itself translates the website getting maximum readers and that too instantly upon posting. Moreover, the overall reputation as an expert author adds prestige to the website's articles when they are submitted to various blogs, forums and ezines.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4it Articles Marketing Directory & - Affiliate Programs Directory

Article Marketing - A Brief Scenario

To begin with, Article Marketing has increasingly assumed a lot of importance as an effective and indispensable SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. Seasoned Search Engine Optimizers are recommending as well as practicing this strategy extensively in order to promote the business interests of their clients. And they are not doing it as a matter of beating the line. They are actually creatively promoting their client's website, bringing in potential business and consequent optimized turnover.

Seriously speaking, the web marketers face a dare devil job of promoting a website out of a flood of other websites promoting identical products and services. The direct fall out of anonymity of a website is the flat defeat of its purpose, which is to make profit. The web presence of any website is largely determined by how the website fares in the SERPs (Search Engine Rank Pages) at Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines. The fact or rather the objective, in turn, emphasizes on quantity of quality inbound links to the website in question. And Article Marketing presents itself as a competent answer.

In Article Marketing, a website submits informative articles that revolve around the basic subject or business of the website. The articles contain a resource box which contains a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As the websites to which the articles are submitted, are basically established forums, blogs and e-magazines, they have their own faithful following of readers. Further, Google and other search engines search out these web articles for their informational value and closely matching keywords. These articles hit many birds in the bush with a single stone.

Article Marketing helps build up brand equity for the website, which is a domino effect of link popularity and high esteem enjoyed by the website as an expert. The articles serve as confidence building measures that reinforce the creditability and utility of the website in the minds of its customers and prospects. With strengthened publicity, the website gradually becomes a name to reckon with in the business sphere.

What's more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is write quality articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. Some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums/ blogs/ e-zines.

Article Marketing also saves the website from some major ordeals that are otherwise required by regular sales and marketing strategies. No website enjoys making cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. Article marketing comfortably rescues the websites from indulging into these hard-to-do marketing stunts, as well as, saves financial resources in the process.

As the option of article marketing is open to all, the quality of articles finally dictates the value of the articles and the magnitude of exposure. So, it is important to pay attention to the quality of content submitted through these articles. With consistency in quality of content, the website is able to establish itself as an expert author. This in itself translates the website getting maximum readers and that too instantly upon posting. Moreover, the overall reputation as an expert author adds prestige to the website's articles when they are submitted to various blogs, forums and ezines.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4it Articles Marketing Directory & - Affiliate Programs Directory

Article Marketing - How to Use a Powerful 3 Tier Approach to Submitting and Marketing Your Articles

Q: I've recently started submitting articles in my niche as a relationship coach. While I've been blogging for a little while, I'm really green when it comes to submitting articles. So here is my main questions - Are there particular article directories you'd recommend?

A: I use and recommend a three tier approach to submitting my articles.

Tier One - EzineArticles - The biggest, the best, and you get the most traffic from EzineArticles. You want to get as many articles as you possibly can up on EzineArticles. Visiting their blog on a regular basis is a good thing to do as well.

Tier Two - Other high ranking article directories - The next step you want to take is to submit a variety of your articles to the next level of higher ranked Article Directories. All the addresses for the following Article Directories end in "dot com" -

  • ArticlesOn
  • GoArticles
  • ArticleHub
  • ArticleMarketer
These directories all have a high Alexa ranking, which measures the amount of traffic a web site receives.

Tier Three - Niche Article Directories - Next you want to submit your articles to niche directories that specialize in articles in your niche. For you, as a relationship coach, I'd recommend and Another way to find article directories in your niche is to go to Google or Yahoo or your other favorite search engine, type in your keywords followed by the phrase "article directory."

So you would type in "relationship article directory." Check out the results you get and consider submitting your articles to a few of these as well.

Take this 3-tier approach and you can really explode your article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

Article Marketing - How to Use a Powerful 3 Tier Approach to Submitting and Marketing Your Articles

Q: I've recently started submitting articles in my niche as a relationship coach. While I've been blogging for a little while, I'm really green when it comes to submitting articles. So here is my main questions - Are there particular article directories you'd recommend?

A: I use and recommend a three tier approach to submitting my articles.

Tier One - EzineArticles - The biggest, the best, and you get the most traffic from EzineArticles. You want to get as many articles as you possibly can up on EzineArticles. Visiting their blog on a regular basis is a good thing to do as well.

Tier Two - Other high ranking article directories - The next step you want to take is to submit a variety of your articles to the next level of higher ranked Article Directories. All the addresses for the following Article Directories end in "dot com" -

  • ArticlesOn
  • GoArticles
  • ArticleHub
  • ArticleMarketer
These directories all have a high Alexa ranking, which measures the amount of traffic a web site receives.

Tier Three - Niche Article Directories - Next you want to submit your articles to niche directories that specialize in articles in your niche. For you, as a relationship coach, I'd recommend and Another way to find article directories in your niche is to go to Google or Yahoo or your other favorite search engine, type in your keywords followed by the phrase "article directory."

So you would type in "relationship article directory." Check out the results you get and consider submitting your articles to a few of these as well.

Take this 3-tier approach and you can really explode your article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and