
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Article Marketing and Article Marketing Services

If your into article marketing then I am sure you have heard of these article submitters that claim to submit your article to a large number of article directories in a short amount of time. These article submitters can either be computer programs or article directories that offer to distribute your articles for a fee. These sites and programs make claims for astronomical gains in traffic to your web site. Who can you trust?

The truth is that these article submitters and article distribution services do not work as well as their sales letter say they do. About a month ago I tried a trial article submitter software and submitted my articles to numerous directories. I also paid a small fee for one of my articles to be distributed to over 120 article directories. The results are in and, my web site has not been flooded with an insane amount of traffic.

Could this be because of the rise in population of article submitters? Many web sites on the list have been closed due to spammers using this software to post junk on hundreds of article directories. Many article directories have had to stop accepting articles in order to catch up with the approval of current submissions. Does this sound like a marketing practice that will give you astronomical gains? The great thing about article marketing is that it is free! You should not have to pay to have your articles seen by thousands of visitors.

Try narrowing it down do about 5-7 high traffic article directories. Doing this will let you submit your articles knowing they will bring you traffic without taking up all of your time. Submitting articles to a few high traffic article directories is better than submitting to a hundred low traffic article directories. Focus your efforts, save your money, and try not to buy in to the hype that these article submitter companies are selling.

Want to learn how I draw large amounts of traffic to my websites?

I can show you the way! To start receiving your free information on traffic generation go here!

Article Marketing is the #1 Traffic Strategy

Once you apply the multipliers which is search engine data for content sites, affiliate programs for sales sites and then after one-time promotions, my #1 strategy which I have found to be the most effective method of getting traffic to new sites as well as old is submitting articles with a short promotional blurb in a resource box at the end of the article.

There are many avenues to get your articles distributed. You can posting articles at or, Associated Content and SearchWarp all good places to submit. You can also use services like or and pay to have your articles distributed. Another way to distribute is to use software like Article Submitter Pro or Article Post Robot.

There is nothing wrong with any of these techniques. I have used them all successfully. But there is a much, much more powerful method of article marketing that most marketers miss- ezine and newsletter marketing.

First I want you to get a grip on the potential of article marketing and then I want you to get a grip on how small of a slice of the pie the above methods cover. Go to Google and type your one word topic followed by the word "article" and then followed by the word "articles". So if your topic is "golf", then search for: golf article, golf articles. Then repeat the above process using "ezine", "ezines", "newsletter" plus "newsletters". I want you to make a note of how many search results are returned for each of these -these are the results your competition is missing. Thousands of article marketers are all competing for the attention of just a tiny fraction of the total market for article distribution, while missing the important ezine and newsletter channel for distribution.

This is where ArticleROI can be a powerful tool in your arsenal - it submits to hundreds of built-in ezines and newsletters, and allow you to add an unlimited amount of your own, custom publishers.

Targeted Article Marketing - 3 Powerful Techniques to Excel in Article Marketing

If there is one marketing tool that has been on the marketing scene for such a long time it is the article marketing. However, given this time element, only a few marketing people are able to master the craft of article marketing because of the insatiable evolution that it undertakes. It is for this reason that article marketing continues to be an effective and most sought after. Its being mystical yet dependable and reliable projects an air or credibility. However, no matter how mystical it may seem to be for other people, it continues to be strongly used and powerfully utilized. The techniques below can help you achieve excellence in article marketing:

1. Take advantage of the resource box. The resource box is where you can actually profess your reason for writing the article - to market and advertise. You can include on your resource box some important information or details regarding the company you are representing or probably anything about you as the writer - your name, your business, your contact details and so much more.

2. Take advantage of the squeeze page. The squeeze page can form part of the article material that you have. You can include a squeeze page so that you can potentially "squeeze" some vital information that you may need from your potential reader. You can use then use these pieces of acquired information to make marketing in the future.

3. You can submit your article materials into some of the well-known article publishing sites and allow for these to earn exposure and generate more and more potential readers. You can use the search engines to search for the best and well established article directories. You can also publish your articles to practically all of these article sites to make sure that you gain a wider exposure from the consuming public.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - It Can Be Like a Snowball Gaining Size and Momentum With Every Article You Write

One might ask the question, what is more important genius or quantity? If you think genius, than you are probably still focused on the wrong thing, your ego. In article marketing, ego kills. The facts are that 86% of people, who publish articles at ezine articles, never publish 10 or more articles. Why, because they did not see the results they expected after 3 or 6 or even 8 articles.

I can only tell you from my own experience that when I built my first website, I was told that I had to write 30 articles to start with. I think I got to 26 or 27, and then I took a very long break from writing. I was happy with my results, but felt like the effort was significant. Not something I could do every day.

For the year after writing those 27 articles, I probably submitted about 10 articles. This is not a significant effort. Let me also say that I had not seen the results I had hoped to have seen up to this point either. You keep hearing it over and over again though, *You have to publish articles.*

Finally I read an article in the, *Internet Marketing Dirt,*by Matt Bacak, that said that you should be able to write an article in 10 minutes. No, really, he said that you should be able to write 6 to 10 articles in an hour. So, I decided to write 5 in a row as fast as I could. The first two, took well over an hour each, but the next three, were all written in less than an hour each.

I now have over 30 more articles written and published, 10 of which, I did in two days, and I have the confidence that I can write an article in 30 minutes. Let me preface that with, I have to be writing article sets and I have to be writing about something I have had at least one hour audio training on.

Now that I am shooting for 50 articles, what do I have to offer from my experience so far? Well, as my confidence in my own writing grows, I now know I have one thing that I can do anytime and my effort will build on my previous effort which is going to grow exponentially (meaning it will continue to produce targeted traffic exponentially). And, I have confidence that I could write about more topics, and even create products of my own.

For example, right now you can go sign up for my ezine, soon you will have a 10 page pdf on article marketing that I will have written myself as an incentive to sign up for my ezine. Like I said the work just keeps building momentum.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Should I Use Article Marketing Techniques Or Do I Bum It?

Article Marketing is a successful way to acquire traffic for your website. It has become more popular recently especially with the coined term Bum Marketing. There are differences to each technique, but basically they are both Article Marketing Techniques.

Article Marketing is easy to implement and can be very effective for acquiring free search engine traffic. For the record it is considered off page SEO.

Basically, you write a short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword and add a keyword rich link in your bio box to the website you want to promote. You then submit the article to one of the many article directory sites and anywhere from 2 days to two weeks you should be listed in the search engines.

Repeat the above step a few times with different articles in the same niche as your website with another niche keyword linking back to your website and you will be listed very fast in the search engines.

Bum Marketing is a name that was coined in the last year. It is exactly the same as Article Marketing but with a slight twist.

You would write the same short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword. But, this time you want to use what is called a long tail keyword.

This keyword is so exact in its phrasing that usually has very small amounts of searches done using it every month. And, the kicker is that it has very little and sometimes no competition for that keyword. This means that there is practically no website competing to use the keyword. If you are really lucky there is also little to no PPC programs using that keyword.

Long tail keywords are popular now because it is felt that anyone that does search for this type of keyword is a hungry buyer. It is reasoned that a searcher is looking for a precise item for example charcoal pre-filter for Honeywell Air Cleaner instead of using the general keyword, Air Cleaner. General keywords are considered hard to convert to sales. A searcher of a general keyword is a so called tire kicker who is shopping around but has not made up his mind to buy.

Finally, in the authors bio box of a Bum Marketing article you link directly to the affiliate program you want to promote instead of linking to your website. I think it is similar to the Google Cash promotion method used in promoting via Adwords.

In a nutshell these are the differences between Article Marketing and Bum Marketing. Both are very effective at becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Don't Be pig-headed like me! I have been an affiliate marketer for the last 3 years. I, like a lot of other affiliate marketers are sometimes pig-headed and have learned the hard way how to have a successful career in affiliate marketing. Hint: Learn to spend your hard earned dollars wisely on Affiliate Marketing Materials. My goal is to speed up your learning time and keep you from needlessly spending money buying affiliate products that just dont work. Read my reviews at: Affiliate Marketing Book Reviews.