
Sunday, May 11, 2008

What is Article Marketing?

What is article marketing? It is a question asked by people that have come across the term when seeking ways to promote their website and generate traffic. Many people write articles, or have them professionally written, without understanding their real purpose.

If they do not understand how article marketing can be used to derive massive amounts of traffic to targeted web pages on their site, how can they possibly be prepared to write an article intended to achieve that?

That raises a question. The term is quite common in the world of internet marketing yet it appears that there are many people who have no idea what it actually means. Probably that is due to the misuse of the word by many article companies, so the intention here is to put the matter straight.

For a start, there are far too many writers supplying article services who have no idea what they are doing, and have obviously no interest in the needs of the person for whom they are writing. Websites offering freelance writing services are full of them. It is full of people who can neither write grammatical and well spelled English, nor understand the needs of their customers.

There is a difference in writing style and vocabulary between writing to persuade a reader to click on a link offering further information, and actually providing that information in the article itself. A teasing article, containing excellent information but not quite enough, and that compels a reader to click for the rest, is more difficult to write than 1000 words about a topic in general. It takes planning, and it is easy for a professional writer to spot an article that has not been planned properly.

Article marketing is, in fact, the art of marketing through the use of articles, in the same way that internet marketing is the art of marketing through the use of the internet. There is no other possible definition. Therefore, what that defines is that those who write articles intended of the purpose of article marketing should not only understand what the term means, but should fully understand how articles can be used to market a product.

Perhaps that product is a tangible product, such as a flat screen TV, perhaps it is something less tangible such as a concept involved in search engine optimization, or perhaps it is a website. Whatever it is that is marketed, if it is done so by the means of articles, then that infers strongly that the articles involved must not only be read, but must be well enough written as to maintain the interest of the reader to the extent that they visit the writers website. Otherwise, the marketing technique will fail.

That is what article marketing is in terms of the concept. In practice, it involves the writing of articles that readers will find interesting enough to want to know more. Such article services should provide a compelling reason for reader to click for more information. They must want to click on the link provided by the writer to his or her website to find out more about the topic.

If the article is written badly, this will not happen. The reader will leave the website or directory that contains the article. Sometimes it will be better to have an article professionally written so that it grabs the attention of the reader, but how do you know who is professional enough to do that. It takes us back to the beginning of this article, whereby you do not know the standard of writing you will get if you hire someone online to write for you.

Although a well written article will attract the readers attention, you should also have a well designed bio or authors resource box to attract the click to your website. If the article is written well enough, and is easily read and understood, then you can use the resource box to direct readers to your website. But not only that: the power of article marketing is that you can send visitors to any page on your website that you want. Simply write an article relevant to that web page.

The way to make the best use of articles is to make sure that they are well written, whether you write them yourself or not, are relevant to the topic and interest anybody who is reading them. Then, you will attract visitors to the page on your resource box, and also might just persuade someone to copy your article for their own website.

What is article marketing able to do for you? If you make sure that your articles are written well enough it can provide you with traffic to your website and one way links back to the page of your choice from each article directory that accepts it. You should also make sure that any site that provides article services intended to promote your product or website has a good record in doing so, and understands fully the meaning of the term article marketing.

More information on how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase your sales can be obtained from Pete's web page Article Marketing

He can be contacted from his article services website.

Can Articles Boost Your Home Business?

Many people spend bulk of money on advertising their website while there is a way of turning bulk of visitors to your website for free. This is by giving them necessary information and turning them into subscribers and customers, by article writing. Now it's time to implement for one of the most profitable Internet marketing strategies of all...

It's time to write YOUR OWN article or have one written for you so that you can post it on your own blog AND get it published in other people's blogs, websites and email newsletters for FREE.

Why would you want to do that?

Because getting YOUR OWN articles written, distributed and published on the Internet is one of the very best *FREE* Internet marketing technique in existence. Think about it...

Once you have an article written where YOU are the author, you become an instant authority. When people find your article, read it and get some good information from it, they appreciate you. That appreciation quickly grows into trust and when they click the link in your article resource box to visit your website, they will be much more likely to sign up with you in one of your recommended business opportunities or buy one of your recommended products.

Remember, the more links you get on quality websites pointing back to you, the more money you will make online. It's really that simple.

Plus, once you get one of YOUR ARTICLE published on someone else's blog or website, that article and the links within it are probably going to remain there FOREVER. In fact, there are articles I distributed more than 5 years ago that are still pulling in traffic and profits to my website today and they will still be working for me 20 or more years from now... for FREE! Think long and hard about that...

Getting your articles published on other people's websites is 100% FREE advertising for life

First, you need to decide if you want to write your own articles or pay someone to write articles for you.

Let's examine these 2 choices.

1) Write your own article.

The main benefit of writing your own articles is that it's "free" and only costs a little bit of your time. Also, writing your own articles will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. Further, many people are "natural educators". You might *ENJOY* writing articles and sharing information about what you know.

2) Hire someone to write articles for you.

This is a great solution for people who are not comfortable writing their own articles. You might feel like you don't know enough or you simply might not enjoy writing... You should NEVER let either of these factors stop you from authoring your own articles and getting them published online. Simply use an article ghost writing service such as Just Articles.

Why do you want to write articles that relate to the content of your website?

Because once people start reading your articles, you'll be viewed as an authority on whatever subject matter your article is about. Once you've established that "expert status" in your reader's mind and they come to visit your website through the link in your article resource box, your website needs to supply additional information, opportunities and resources related to the content of your article. That's how you turn targeted visitors into sales. People will read your article, visit your website, click on the links to learn more about the opportunities and products presented on your site and often buy something.


Articles are secret keys that could boost your home business sales, simply take out some time think back at yourself what you search the net for when you newly started your home business, there are everyday people in search of such information online, educating them, place your links on your articles and they will simply comeback to you as determined visitors. If you dont fill comfortable writing your articles yourself simply use a ghost writer service like just articles at

Simon Avwaruroro is dedicated to researching home business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new home business or grow the one you already have to pay mega, with little or zero cost. See for yourself at -

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

One of the crucial elements in marketing your business and products over the internet is gaining the trust of your potential clients. Right now, the best way to make people to trust you online is to establish your expertise so people will treat you as an authority on your chosen niche.

Here are the 5 amazing steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Create keyword-rich articles. Before you tap on your key board, do a keyword analysis first. Identify the common search terms that are being used by your target market when they look for information online. Create one article for every major keyword so you can effectively cover all issues that are affecting your target niche.

2. Leave no stone unturned. By this, I mean discussing your topics thoroughly by presenting all important information that can help your readers better understand your topics.

3. Bank on your content. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles. You will generate favorable responses from your readers if you can provide them the information they need and if your articles are well-written.

4. Increase your conversation rate by using powerful resource box. Most publishers will allow you to include a resource box at the end of your articles. Take advantage of this and promote your business and yourself as an expert on your chosen field. Make sure that your call to action is powerful enough to move your readers to click on your website's URL.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting your articles online even after you have generated enough traffic to your website. Remember, the more articles you write and submit, the more money you will generate for your ebusiness.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How Do You Motivate Yourself Everyday to Write Articles?

Q: How do you motivate yourself to write articles everyday?

A: You know what? That is a really good question. As I think about it, you are really asking two questions -

1. How do I get motivated to write articles everyday?


2. How do I stay motivated to write articles everyday?

Fortunately the answers to either question apply to both questions.

How to get and stay motivated to write articles everyday

I have several tips for you which I will share in bullet point form -

  • You need to write regularly to get and stay motivated. Writing regularly keeps you in the flow of article writing and makes article writing much easier.
  • When you are writing regularly, you see article ideas everywhere.
  • Keep a pad and pen with you or a voice recorder to capture your article ideas as they come. One of the most de-motivating things that can happen is to have a great idea, not capture it, and then not remember the idea when you sit down to write about it.
  • Keep in mind at all times the results of regular article writing and marketing. You may even want to write the results down somewhere that you can see everyday. In addition to the pure pleasure of writing, the results are the most motivating factor for me. I don't hope - I don't think - I know that the more articles I write, the more traffic, prospects, subscribers, customers, fun and profits I am going to have.

Keep all of these tips, especially the results, in mind to get and keep you motivated to write your articles.

And with your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates that will help you write everyday. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing

Article Marketing Tips And Strategies

Article Marketing has been proven to be effective not only in terms the cost that it does not require much on the business end but more important to note, the effectiveness of the tool in generating positive results.

Article as a form of marketing is basically powerful and strong because through articles you can effectively convey and relay the message that you want to channel in a lot wider and expanded area. The mere fact that through this form you can reach even the narrowest possible market there is in the online arena, it then makes it possible to widen your chances to bridge in your product to all potential clients.

Attaining the best outcome of your advertising is a result of how driven your articles and marketing plans are. Below we have listed some of the most rewarding advice on how you can maximize your article marketing.

Your plan should begin with learning who your target audience is. Every online business must prepare to deal with their target audience. It is essential to know your target audience so that you can employ the most effective form of marketing you'll need to reach them.

Make sure that you associate your plan with knowing the demographic profile of your potential clients. By knowing the profile of your clients, you can be able to determine the appropriate style of writing the articles and possibly eliminate the language and cultural barrier that may have been posed towards generating the best sources.

If you are interested in taking up article marketing, you need to be very good at expressing your thoughts and ideas on paper. This is because your style of writing and the words you choose are what will finally convey your message to your potential clients. So this tool is more for those who are confident of their writing skills.

You can get more information about Business Marketing at . Sean Milea writes about Search Engine Marketing Firms and other topics.

Article Marketing - How I Use Article Marketing To Generate Swarms Of Leads

Article marketing is the main way I generate leads to my autoresponder, I won't deny that. This is because from my testing, I have found that article marketing produces the most responsive leads. Can you benefit from this? You bet you can.

List building can be difficult for any marketer, especially the beginner marketer. But the main thing to understand is that list building is really tied in to traffic generation. If you can generate traffic to your sites, then building a big list is not a problem at all.

And article marketing is one of the best ways to drive responsive and highly targeted traffic to any website. You write short and lean information laden articles, then submit them to article directories like Ezine Articles. In your biography box, write a compelling bio about you and your business and link to your website.

Leads generated from article marketing are more responsive than from other sources because they have read your article and if they like the information you present, you have built somewhat of a relationship. This relationship can be furthered in your email marketing.

The fact is this, if someone reads an article and likes it, he will want to receive even more information from the author. This gives you a highly targeted lead.

But if you want to build huge lists using this method, then you must understand that volume is the key. You must submit a few articles a day for at least a few months to start seeing results. After a few months, with a few hundred articles, you will receive dozens of qualified leads every day.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Introduction to Article Marketing (Part One)

One of the fastest growing and most effective strategies for making money today (March 2007) on the Internet is using a system called "Article Marketing". This system is especially suited for newcomers to Internet Marketing because it can be setup to be labor-intensive rather than cash-intensive. Most newbies to Internet Marketing are "cash-poor" and so developing an Article Marketing campaign where they do all of the work necessary rather than spending money is ideal.

Veteran marketers who may have more money than time on their hands (yes, newbies, this can be the case!) can also take advantage of Article Marketing by hiring ghost writers to write their article content.

It is important to note that there are a number of different variations of Article Marketing. My good buddy Travis Sago created a form he calls "The Bum Marketing Method". His wife named the method because it can be done totally free using strategies that could literally be performed by a bum off of the streets. The last time I talked to Travis (a very successful Internet Marketer himself) he was actually thinking about finding a bum on the streets of his home town and showing him how to literally start making money using the Bum Method.

You can find out more about Travis and his Bum Marketing Method by visiting his website Seriously, I urge you to checkout his website (no, it's not an affiliate link for me . but it is totally FREE and extremely informative!)

I'm going to outline the basics of Article Marketing for you and show you how to really put these methods on steroids using a piece of software I've developed specifically for that purpose called "Your Article Marketing Assistant" (I'll refer to the software as YAMA from now on!)

Now you don't have to purchase YAMA to make Article Marketing work for you - it's just that Article Marketing takes an enormous amount of time & effort to really make it work and so I developed YAMA to help automate some of the boring and tedious (but necessary) steps.

Either way, I hope that you really learn a lot from this report and I encourage you to contact me with any questions you might have about Article Marketing by emailing me at Put "Request from an eBook Reader" in the subject line to ensure my prompt attention.

John Mann, "The KeyWord Mann", has been involved in Article Marketing for over three years and he puts out a monthly newsletter that you might be interested in if you're doing any kind of Article Marketing.

Signup for his FR*EE "Article Marketing Newsletter" and get a FR*EE 7-Part mini-course (Value $67.00 US) called
"How To Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Do Article Marketing" by visiting

Click Here to Learn More About Information About Article Marketing - How To Make Article Marketing Work!

Article Marketing - Introduction to Article Marketing (Part One)

One of the fastest growing and most effective strategies for making money today (March 2007) on the Internet is using a system called "Article Marketing". This system is especially suited for newcomers to Internet Marketing because it can be setup to be labor-intensive rather than cash-intensive. Most newbies to Internet Marketing are "cash-poor" and so developing an Article Marketing campaign where they do all of the work necessary rather than spending money is ideal.

Veteran marketers who may have more money than time on their hands (yes, newbies, this can be the case!) can also take advantage of Article Marketing by hiring ghost writers to write their article content.

It is important to note that there are a number of different variations of Article Marketing. My good buddy Travis Sago created a form he calls "The Bum Marketing Method". His wife named the method because it can be done totally free using strategies that could literally be performed by a bum off of the streets. The last time I talked to Travis (a very successful Internet Marketer himself) he was actually thinking about finding a bum on the streets of his home town and showing him how to literally start making money using the Bum Method.

You can find out more about Travis and his Bum Marketing Method by visiting his website Seriously, I urge you to checkout his website (no, it's not an affiliate link for me . but it is totally FREE and extremely informative!)

I'm going to outline the basics of Article Marketing for you and show you how to really put these methods on steroids using a piece of software I've developed specifically for that purpose called "Your Article Marketing Assistant" (I'll refer to the software as YAMA from now on!)

Now you don't have to purchase YAMA to make Article Marketing work for you - it's just that Article Marketing takes an enormous amount of time & effort to really make it work and so I developed YAMA to help automate some of the boring and tedious (but necessary) steps.

Either way, I hope that you really learn a lot from this report and I encourage you to contact me with any questions you might have about Article Marketing by emailing me at Put "Request from an eBook Reader" in the subject line to ensure my prompt attention.

John Mann, "The KeyWord Mann", has been involved in Article Marketing for over three years and he puts out a monthly newsletter that you might be interested in if you're doing any kind of Article Marketing.

Signup for his FR*EE "Article Marketing Newsletter" and get a FR*EE 7-Part mini-course (Value $67.00 US) called
"How To Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Do Article Marketing" by visiting

Click Here to Learn More About Information About Article Marketing - How To Make Article Marketing Work!

Article Marketing for Non-Writers

There is no doubt that article marketing works. People want information that they can use, and will respond to it much more often than having hype, in the form of an ad, thrust in their faces. But what do you do to capitalize on the article marketingtrend when you are not a skilled writer?

One must hire a person who is a skilled writer. One must hire a writer who is experienced in article marketing, someone who knows the ins and outs of search engine placement through keyword optimized informational content.

Too many people think that if they can put words on paper, or in this instance, on a computer screen, that they can write. This is not the case. It is not enough to have words. Those words must be composed in an intelligent fashion; void of misspelled words, grammatical errors and typos. Attempts to succeed with article marketing using poorly written copy will in fact, do more harm than good. No one looks like an expert in anything when their writing is poor.

When one becomes a trusted information provider, people are more likely to purchase, hire, or network with them. To become a trusted information provider, one must provide quality information, written intelligently. That is the whole purpose of marketing with articles: to establish your credibility as an expert in your field, to provide credible information which helps someone make an educated decision, and to direct them to you for the solution to the need they have.

So, does one have to go bankrupt hiring a qualified writer? You certainly could, but you don't have to. As with anything else, you should shop around. Fees for writing services vary; from as little as $10.00 to $10,000.00, depending on many things. But, just because a writer wears a large price tag, doesn't necessarily mean they are the best; alternately, a writer who charges lower fees is not necessarily a hack.

Additionally, one must find a writer experienced in the type of writing application needed. Just because a person is skilled in a particular genre does not mean they are skilled in every writing genre. You wouldn't have a pediatrician perform open heart surgery. Similarly, you shouldn't hire, say, a screen writer to write marketing copy.

Article marketing works well for the promotion of practically anything, IF it is done well and gets plenty of exposure. Obviously, one must get the article in front of readers in order for it to pay off. The more exposure an article gets the better.And this is why article marketing through the use of syndication is so valuable. Syndication gets that exposure, by placing the article in multiple locations for reading, and search engine indexing. (RSS feeds are indexed more often and more quickly than static web pages.)

If you are not an experienced writer, hire one; use article marketing to generate results.

Copyright 2006
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Internet marketing and home business resources and information.
Serving online professionals since 2001.

Article Marketing - Introduction to Article Marketing (Part One)

One of the fastest growing and most effective strategies for making money today (March 2007) on the Internet is using a system called "Article Marketing". This system is especially suited for newcomers to Internet Marketing because it can be setup to be labor-intensive rather than cash-intensive. Most newbies to Internet Marketing are "cash-poor" and so developing an Article Marketing campaign where they do all of the work necessary rather than spending money is ideal.

Veteran marketers who may have more money than time on their hands (yes, newbies, this can be the case!) can also take advantage of Article Marketing by hiring ghost writers to write their article content.

It is important to note that there are a number of different variations of Article Marketing. My good buddy Travis Sago created a form he calls "The Bum Marketing Method". His wife named the method because it can be done totally free using strategies that could literally be performed by a bum off of the streets. The last time I talked to Travis (a very successful Internet Marketer himself) he was actually thinking about finding a bum on the streets of his home town and showing him how to literally start making money using the Bum Method.

You can find out more about Travis and his Bum Marketing Method by visiting his website Seriously, I urge you to checkout his website (no, it's not an affiliate link for me . but it is totally FREE and extremely informative!)

I'm going to outline the basics of Article Marketing for you and show you how to really put these methods on steroids using a piece of software I've developed specifically for that purpose called "Your Article Marketing Assistant" (I'll refer to the software as YAMA from now on!)

Now you don't have to purchase YAMA to make Article Marketing work for you - it's just that Article Marketing takes an enormous amount of time & effort to really make it work and so I developed YAMA to help automate some of the boring and tedious (but necessary) steps.

Either way, I hope that you really learn a lot from this report and I encourage you to contact me with any questions you might have about Article Marketing by emailing me at Put "Request from an eBook Reader" in the subject line to ensure my prompt attention.

John Mann, "The KeyWord Mann", has been involved in Article Marketing for over three years and he puts out a monthly newsletter that you might be interested in if you're doing any kind of Article Marketing.

Signup for his FR*EE "Article Marketing Newsletter" and get a FR*EE 7-Part mini-course (Value $67.00 US) called
"How To Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Do Article Marketing" by visiting

Click Here to Learn More About Information About Article Marketing - How To Make Article Marketing Work!

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 5 Remarkable Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

With a lot of article marketers competing for the attention of online users, you need to devise mechanisms that can help you and your articles stand out from the rest. This is the fastest way to make yourself and your website popular in the World Wide Web that can lead to increased page views and improved sales potential.

1. Make your titles truly impacting and effective. As you know, online users choose articles to read base on their titles alone. If your headlines are lousy, you can be sure that your articles will be left unread. Don't let that happen by using attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point and descriptive of the content of your articles.

2. Provide unique content. Don't just search the web for articles to rewrite. Strive to give your readers information that cannot be found elsewhere. This is one of the most effective ways to brand yourself as a great source of information online.

3. Be consistent. Avoid presenting conflicting ideas on your articles to prevent confusing your readers. Take a firm stand about the issue you write about and stick to it.

4. Check your facts. In distributing information, it is very important that your content is accurate and well-founded to avoid misleading your readers. Back up your claims, especially those which are relatively new, with studies, researches, statistics, and other reputable resources.

5. Make your articles search-engine friendly. You must be familiar with keyword usage and appropriate keyword density. You must also know how to use Latent Semantic Indexing that can help you figure out other related keywords that you can use to better rank on search engines.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.