
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Article Marketing - Your First Steps in Article Marketing

Would you like a free strategy for driving traffic to your web site? Would you like a free strategy for creating more prospects? Would you like a free strategy for building your list? Would you like to know a free strategy for creating more customers?

Would you like all these things even if you knew that these strategies slam dunk work?

Then article marketing is for you.

Now, here are your first steps in article marketing.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article. Offer good information that your reader can use right away. Help them to know, like and trust you.

Step 2 - Write a great resource box that invites the reader to take an action. Ask them and guide them to click on the links back to your web site or blog.

Step 3 - Have the reader go to a page in your web site where they opt-in with their email address to get something of value that you are offering for free.

Step 4 - Take really good care of the people on your list. Stay in touch with them. Ask them what they want to learn and then deliver it.

Step 5 - Offer the people on your list your quality products and services.

Step 6 - Rinse and repeat. In other words, do this over and over again.

This simple six step process will drive more traffic to your web site, create more prospects, build your list and create more customers.

So please tell me why you would not want to jump right away into article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you get started in Article Marketing. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

Bum Marketing Methods - How To Make Money By Doing Nothing

You are probably wondering what bum marketing is, and how you can make money from it yourself. It is quite simple really, all you need to do is find an affiliate program you like, and then promote it using free outlets such as Squidoo or Blogger. By creating a web of interconnected articles marketing your products as well as your other articles, you will gain organic traffic quickly and easily. By using article marketing you allow your articles to be picked up by giants such as Google and Yahoo without actually dedicated all that much time or resources to building backlinks as you would need to if you planned on starting your own website.

Bum marketing is based off keyword research, you need to find a niche and work from there. Gurus will pick the highly competitive niches as they will yield the highest results if they are done correctly but for new bum marketers it is a far better idea to start small. Find a niche that isn't overly competitive that has products to be sold. This can take time, you need to do research to determine what markets are flooded with affiliate marketers and which aren't, a good way to determine this is to do a Google search for keywords you would like your bum marketing articles to target. If there is a full page of Google AdWords results (11 sponsored links) then you most likely will not fair too well to begin with in this niche. Finding the right niche can be hard but once you do you should stick with it and watch the profits soar. Once you have a niche, all of your articles, webpages, sales pitches, etc. will become relevant to each other, and through this relevancy you can increase traffic and sales conversions across the board as you target new keywords. The key to bum marketing is getting organic traffic. While there are millions of marketers that manage to make money without organic traffic (traffic that comes naturally from search results as opposed to paying for advertising) you will need a solid base of organic traffic.

My personal steps for using bum marketing on various products:

  • Find a niche that isn't overly crowded that you can talk about.

  • Find products within the niche that are the right price and quality so that they will lead to sales and therefore commissions.

  • Research keywords that could be used to search for that specific product as well as general keywords that people would search for that may be willing to buy the product.

  • Build a Squidoo lens or a Blogspot blog for the product giving an unbiased review (I never sell products that don't work well, I refuse to scam people for money).

  • Build backlinks for the lens or blog, typically with a little bit of article marketing and purchasing a social bookmarking package from a SEO firm.

  • Promote products using social networks such as Facebook and MySpace, especially MySpace.

  • Watch the commissions roll in as I hit the front page of Google and Yahoo, and find ways to expand my product line using traffic from various sources.

Bum marketing or even affiliate marketing in general is not for everyone. In order for it to work, you must be patient, there is no other option. I started using bum marketing a few months back and now it is already paying large dividends for me. I'm currently a 19 year old freshman college student yet I am making enough money online to pay for my graduate school as well as a brand new car, hopefully this information will lead to your success as well. For additional resources on bum marketing I would highly suggest checking out some of the links below.

To increase the visibility of your own web enterprises, consider visiting the following Squidoo lenses:

Bum Marketing Your opportunity to steal some of my marketing tactics to be on the road to success yourself.

Social Bookmarking Services to gain backlinks, search engine placement, and traffic.

LazyURL to optimize your site for search engines and any other online marketing purpose.

Article Marketing Success - Six Secrets To Creating Fantastic Titles

While there may be some truth to the old adage that you cannot judge a book by its cover, you certainly can judge on article on the Internet by its title. With this in mind, if you are keen on achieving article marketing success, you will want to come to utilize the six secrets to creating fantastic titles for your articles.

• Keep your titles simple. Do not clutter your titles up with unnecessary words.

• Use the least complex words in your title. Do not use million dollar words when simple ones will do.

• Make sure your titles do not contain grammatical errors or typos. You would be utterly surprised about how common these mistakes are when it comes to Internet copy and content.

• If you are writing search engine optimized copy, you will want to make certain that you utilize appropriate keywords and keyword phrases in the titles to your articles themselves.

• Do not be "cute or clever" when it comes to writing titles for your articles as part of your article marketing efforts. What might seem to be cute and clever to you very well may awful to a potential reader. You might completely turn someone off before they've even read a single word of your article.

• With the last point in mind, it can be helpful to have someone else read your title (as well as your article for that matter) before you make the article available publicly. Such a person may be able to point out flaws in your article that you were unable to catch or notice on your own.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Amazing Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Maximum Secrets to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is all about "selling" your articles online. They must be able to capture the interest of your potential clients so they will consider doing business with you. They must also appeal to webmasters and other ebusiness owners so your articles will be picked up and massively distributed to give you additional quality inbound links.

1. Share valuable knowledge. The articles you write and publish must have the ability to help people find the answers to their questions, solve their pressing issues, or learn more about the niche to where they belong to.

2. Be credible. Be a great source of factual information by always checking your data before publishing your content. When you are able to share information that is backed up by research or studies, you can easily establish your expertise online.

3. Increase exposure. Widely distribute your articles so you can better connect to your target market. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to forums and on your blog.

4. Increase brand awareness. Write articles that are closely related to your products and services. One great way to do that is to discuss certain problems that are being faced by your target market and presenting your offerings as solutions. For instance, if you are selling acne treatments, you can write article about "how acne can affect your social life" and offer your products on your resource box.

5. Increase your page views. Learn how to convert online users to potential clients by effectively enticing them to click on your resource box and give your website a visit. Make a powerful call to action and communicate the benefits your potential clients can get should they decide to click on your website's URL.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing works when you work it right. Unfortunately, many article marketers do not work it right.

In my experience of coaching hundreds of article writers and marketers, I have noticed at least three common and typical mistakes made by both new and experienced article marketers.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three common mistakes and then look at what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - Not understanding marketing - Many people do not understand marketing because the concept frightens them. Think of it this way - marketing is simply letting other people know what you do. Therefore, in article marketing, marketing is simply getting your articles in front of as many people as possible.

Mistake #2 - Using only article directories - I love article directories. They are not the only way to market your articles however. The ways to market your articles are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Here is my definition of creativity - "Creativity is simply looking at something that has always been there and seeing something that has not been seen before." Ask yourself - "In how many different ways can your ideal client consume the information in your article?"

Mistake #3 - Not having a consistent plan or system to market your articles - Most article marketers treat article marketing like any other form of marketing - they wait until things are getting bad, and then in desperation pull something off the marketing menu and throw some money ad effort at it and hope something will work. I call this "marketing a la carte." When you use a consistent plan or system, you do not have to hope something will work, you know it will work.

Avoid these mistakes and use these tips to ramp up your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

You can also check out my list of 25+ ways to market your articles at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Is Article Marketing Really Effective?

Do you want to start making some money with article marketing? Have you thought about putting your writing skills to work for you? Is article marketing really effective? Read on to find out if it is or not.

Article marketing can be effective, if it is done correctly. There are a few different theories on how to do article marketing, and there is a right way and a wrong way. The theories include using search engine optimization to get listed on top search engines, submitting to tons of directories to get large amounts of traffic, and just writing about something you are passionate about and submitting them to a few directories.

These are all good strategies, but to make your article marketing the most effective you need to combine all three of them. You will also want to be writing articles on a regular basis, meaning pretty much every single day.

Article marketing is not something you can just write a few articles and be done. You have to constantly be writing and submitting. Every single day you need to put new articles out there so that you can get more traffic from more sources. The more you write the better chance you have of making money and getting a ton of traffic.

You should take a few of your articles and submit them all over the web. There are thousands of article directories and you should submit all of your articles to the top few, but then take one a week or so and submit it to as many as you can find. This will give you traffic coming from all over the internet. You will get seen more and will end up getting better results.

You will also want to write some articles with search engine optimization and some just to be writing. You never know what you might end up targeting and who might be interested in what you have to say.

Using a variety of article marketing strategies will allow you to cover more areas of the market than you thought you could or than you would with just one method. So cover all your bases and use all the strategies to an extent.

Discover the fastest way to put together Unique Articles. Get more information here:

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Steps to Better Article Marketing Results

Because of better opportunities to write and share your ideas with the rest of the world, almost anyone can be a writer. But what differentiates a mediocre writer from a great one is some knowledge about how one can really catch the attention of the market. Online writers use article hits as a measure of the success of their writing - the more people visit their site, the more effective their articles AND their article marketing styles are. Here are five tips that you can easily apply to make your article a more effective one and to generate a larger audience.

1) Your article title should catch peoples attention. As much as we hate to admit it, we all judge books by their covers. The same goes for articles. The catchier the title, the more it can pique a persons interest. But do make sure that the body of the article does justice to the title!

2) Keep your content short and sweet. Nobody likes a long and winding road. What people do want is to know how to get from Point A to Point B in the shortest possible time. This means that your article should be straight to the point with a consistent flow to it.

3) Bring it to the level of the readers. Keep the tone of your writing conversational and casual without being crude and unprofessional. Limit your jargon to those that you feel are easily understandable. Do not be verbose you are writing not to show-off the width and breadth of your vocabulary, rather you are writing to entertain and let people learn something new.

4) Vital keywords are essential to your success. Sure, its fun to be creative every now and then but remember to include in your article a set of keywords that are related to your topic. The importance of using the right keywords cannot be overstated these are the words people type on search engines to locate the article they need and you really want to be on top of the results list.

5) Dont forget about the author! That means YOU an article will need a name for applause. Make a good author resource box that includes the following items: your name, an optional title, your website address and a short description about what makes you and your writing a unique pick above the rest. Follow all these steps and watch that hit counter go sky-high!

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.