
Friday, May 9, 2008

Six Article Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Although more people discover the power of article marketing every day, many fail to learn some simple techniques to optimize their writing and maximize the effectiveness of their article marketing campaigns. The following paragraphs will reveal six critical mistakes that must be avoided if you want to reap the full fruits of your article writing efforts.

The first three mistakes fall within the category of "Guideline Awareness." The rule of thumb is to be familiar with the guidelines of the directories where you submit your articles, so that you can better use them to your advantage.

Mistake #1: Failure to Use Hyperlinks in Article Body

Some article directories will not allow any hyperlinks in the body, but most will allow from one to three. Convert your target keywords to hyperlinks to the extent possible; this will bring your website direct traffic through clicks and it will help to improve your site's search engine rankings for that keyword.

Mistake #2: Ineffective Use of Author Resource Box

The author resource box, sometimes called the boilerplate, is an area where you can sell yourself. This is important, because the article itself should not be used for overt advertising, only for teaching and informing. Use your name, or a pen name; over time, people will associate the mane with the topic, and you will be established as a trusted expert in your field. Once they trust that you know your stuff, they will not hesitate to visit your site and buy your product or service.

Mistake #3: Article Length - Too Short or Too Long

Webmasters, bloggers, and newsletter publishers are constantly in need of fresh, original content. That is what makes article marketing so powerful. When someone picks up your article and publishes it on the web or in a mass-email, it multiplies your exposure. However, many people write a paltry 100 words to submit to an article directory, which amounts to little more than a dictionary definition of their chosen topic. At the other end of the spectrum, some people will submit works of more than 2000 words; on the web or in a newsletter, that is an epic-length tome.

Opinions vary as to the optimum length of an article, nut the consensus is between 400 and 900 words. It should be long enough to thoroughly explain the subject, but short enough to read quickly and easily.

The next three mistakes concern the actual submission of articles to directories. They are not so much "rules" as they are strong suggestions to maximize your results.

Mistake #4: Submitting to Too Few Article Directories

After the effort of writing the piece itself, it may seem like a tedious chore to submit the work to twenty directories. If it is too much for you, there are services that will manually submit your articles for you. If you cannot afford such luxuries, then you must do it yourself. Do not compromise on this; it is critical to your success. Find at least twelve article directories for starters, and build from there. Once you get to about twenty, you are doing well.

Mistake #5: Using the Same Pen Name for Different Topics

If you have multiple websites in different niches, use a unique pen name for each topic. It's all about credibility. If Sally McMarketer writes about designer dog collars, can she be equally trusted as an expert on high-performance fuel-injectors? In reality, it is not uncommon for people to have proficiencies in multiple areas, but unless you personally know the dog collar/fuel-injector guru, it seems unlikely.

Mistake #6: Submitting Website Content as Articles

One of the worst things an article marketer can do is to take the content directly from their website and submit it in article form to the directories. Remember, you want to submit your work to twelve to twenty article directories or so in order to get traffic and backlinks to your website. However, if the articles contain the exact same information as your website, the search engines will view it as duplicate content, which may be downgraded in the rankings. Besides, readers of your articles will be a bit put off if they click on one of your well-placed hyperlinks only to see the same old stuff on your site. Keep your website content unique.

Article marketing, like any good, profitable endeavor, requires work, education, and practice. You can, and should, constantly refine your techniques in search of ever better results. If you can avoid the six misstates discussed above, you will be well on your way to becoming a proficient marketer with a growing, moneymaking business.

Article Ranger is a free submission article directory where authors may post articles about subjects of interest, and publishers may pick up articles for use in ezines, newsletters, etc.

Scofield Parker is an experienced internet marketer who regularly writes for Article Ranger.

How Does Your Article Performance Compare With The Averages

I am frequently asked how many URL clicks or how many page views can be expected with the average article. And, although I keep good records, Ive never done any research on that. In preparation for this article, I did a search on Google and found tons of research on website page views per visitor, but I found nothing on average page views for individual articles. So, in the interest of research, I compiled this information based on articles that I submitted to the largest submission site over the past three-months.

Keep in mind that I submit articles everyday. Therefore, some of the articles were submitted three months ago and some of the articles were submitted in the last week. Also, the information below represents the average performance, some articles did ten times better and some did one tenth as well.

Page Views

Page views are the lifeblood of your article business. The number of page views your article achieves determines all of the other performance figures that your article attains. Over this time period, my average article received 56 page views.

URL Clicks

The number of times that readers click on the links in your resource box is one of the main reasons that most of us write articles. On average, 3.7 readers have clicked on my links.

Some of my articles have had as many as 17% of the readers click on my links. This is an unusually high percentage. Using the average page views and URL clicks above, 6.6% of those who read my articles click on my links.

Ezines Published

My average article is published in 1.8 ezines.

Use the information posted above to compare the performance of your articles versus my three-month sample. Id be very interested in seeing how these numbers compare with others who write articles on a consistent basis.

Make Money! Build Your List! FREE!!!

Article Marketing - How To Quickly And Easily Promote Your Business On The Internet!

If you are not using the power of article marketing to promote your products, you are leaving serious traffic on the table. This is one of the closely guarded secrets of savvy Internet marketers and you want to give it a try.

Once you wrote your article, you need to submit it to directories. You can do this manually and it will cost you nothing but your time.

It is a quick and easy way to establish yourself as the expert on virtually any topic you could think about. Webmasters and other ezine publisher need articles on a weekly basis. They often have several websites in different niches and they are just waiting for your content.

Don't forget that those websites tend to get high search engine rankings because they receive thousands of fresh articles every single day.

Just piggy back on their traffic!

An other advantage of this form of promotion is the number of backlinks you will receive. This will increase your page rank and your website will get better rankings in the search engines. Be sure to link to your own website with the right keyword rich anchor links.

There are many submission website like article post robot, article marketer and hundreds of other softwares. Are they effective?

Well, I must say that you need to test. It's a fact that submitting your articles with isnare is cost effective, but I guess that Google will not count all the backlinks in your favor (although Yahoo & MSN will).

Article marketing is a business itself, and you want to be part of it. As I said above, you must learn, but don't take other people opinion for granted.

Test everything, cut your losses and let your winner goes.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Your Article Marketing Technique

If you want to be a successful article marketer, you have to first find your article marketing technique. You will not make any money just by simply copying someone's writing style. You will fail and it won't be pretty. You have to find your own writing style as an article marketer.

When someone reads an article, they are reading about the author. They are not reading what the article is about. They are reading about what the author is about. The author's story is written into their article. Their article lives and breathes their authors name. When you read work written by someone, you should know that the content was made by that author, and no one else. When you create an article, it needs to be unique and it has to show your writing style.

Your writing style can be anything you want it to be. Just make your writing style authentic. When people read an article that isn't authentic, and it just looks like something copied and pasted, they won't care about you or your product. You have to make your article original and fact filled. When you have learned to master this, your profits will soar in.

Sometimes is takes weeks to find your writing style. This is okay! The more you write, the more you'll get closer to your writing style. Even if you think your found it, keep writing. Your writing style will always elude you. But if you keep writing, the closer you'll get to your perfect writing style. This is what is going to make you money. Your originality is the only thing that divides you from everyone else around you. Grasp it.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

3 Things You Must Do If You Want To Submit To Article Directories

Article marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies available to any marketer, regardless of that marketers location, status, financial situation, abilities, etc. Anyone can post an article online but not just anybody can do it successfully.

1. Get your priorities straight

Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them is a fine line. In article writing, there are three key benefits as to why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.

There is only one reason as to why you write an article.To inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this first and foremost, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading them.

You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article and THEN make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing great content.

2. Maximize opportunities

You probably already realize that article marketing can help get you additional back links to your site. How about shooting for higher goals and getting better search engine results? Did you know that you can do that?

You can apply simple tricks like mentioning keywords strategically. You can use anchor texts as well. Many different marketers have done different methods to achieve better success and will continue to come up with better ways to maximize results.

It is not always about getting links and visitors to your site because although this will help, your success ultimately will depend on what your prospect will do once you get them to your site. Then what?

3. Publish great content

As we mentioned above, you can do a lot of things to get traffic to your site and more back links because of article marketing. The best way and 100% proven way to achieve maximum success in every way is to publish great content in all that you do.

Your content is basically your built in salesperson. Your content is all that you can rely on to initiate the purchasing process. Therefore, the content in your articles, forums, blogs, website, salespage, etc., is going to achieve everything for you.

Focusing on your content is as important as paying attention to the road while you're driving. If you lose sight of the road for any reason, the results are never good. This holds true to marketing, whether it be article marketing or any other aspect of marketing.

As you can see, article marketing is powerful. It can be a tremendous asset or a marketers nightmare if you let it. Since article marketing is so readily available, why not maximize your results by implementing proven techniques?

Craig Raphael is the owner of and EsourceInfo. He is also the author of "The Internet Marketing Playbook" . This is a comprehensive report that lays out all of the plays in the playbook of internet marketing from a "2nd stringer's" opinion. Craig prides himself on NOT being a "guru" but rather a 2nd stringer that has studied and uses ALL the plays in the book that the "gurus" use and teaches fundamental and realistic ways. You MUST know the plays in the playbook before you can practice them. Learn them all in "The Internet Marketing Playbook" :

Copyright 2008 Craig Raphael.

Craig Raphael
PO BOX 306
Manzanita , Oregon 97130

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Popular Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has earned the nods of most webmasters, bloggers, and ebusiness owners as it consistently delivers great results that usually lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking. Because of this, almost everyone in the internet are exerting so much effort to perfect this technique and get ahead of the pack. In this article, you will find the top 3 popular steps that can help you advance in article marketing and these are:

1. Content. Although there are various elements that can improve your article marketing campaign, its success will largely depend on the quality of your content. Thus, it is of outmost importance that you make sure that all of your articles are useful, informative, brief, direct to the point, factual, easy and entertaining to read, unique, and highly relevant to your target niche. If you are able to consistently incorporate these elements on your articles, you will surely rise above from the rest in no time.

2. Publishing sites. Once you are able to produce quality articles, picking the best publishing sites will be your next task. Contrary to popular beliefs, you can distribute your articles to other avenues aside from article submission sites. You can post them on your blog, website, social networking sites, forums, and you can even convert them to an ebook which you can use as a viral marketing tool.

3. Resource box. Your resource box serves as a gateway so your readers will be directed to your website. To maximize its full potential, make sure that your resource box is compelling and contains all the essential elements that will entice online users to click your website's URL. Some of these elements are the following: your name, website address, elevator pitch and a powerful call to action.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.