
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Targeted Article Marketing - Latest 4 Exciting Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters are constantly looking for ways on how they can amplify their article marketing strategies. Why? They would like to advance in this technique as this is proven to be the best free marketing tool in the internet today. It cannot only drive quality traffic to your website but it can also help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so online users will trust you and eventually consider doing business with you.

Here are the latest 4 exciting methods to amplify your article marketing:

1. Your articles must be credible. Online users will gauge your expertise and your professionalism based on the quality of your content. If they found that your information are baseless and contain inaccuracies, you will lose their trust and business in an instant. Thus, strive to make your content truthful and back up your claims with reputable resources like studies, researches, and statistics.

2. Proofread. This is especially important if you are one of those marketers who are hiring ghostwriters. Make sure that all your articles are well-written, flow well, and free from any error that can be taken against your credibility and professionalism.

3. Make each word work for you. If your articles contain words that are not in any way helping you get your message across, they are considered filler. Strike them out to make your content brief and concise.

4. Write topics that are related to your products. If you are selling laptops and you are writing about mobile phones, you might be able to drive traffic to your website but will it be targeted? Chances are, you will have online visitors that are not interested on what you offer and cannot help you augment your revenue. That is why it is very recommended that you stick with topics that are relevant to your offerings to drive interested parties to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Write A Resource Box That Delivers Massive Traffic To Your Website

Your resource box is the heart and soul of what makes article marketing stand out as the most efficient, most effective way to drive traffic to your website.

The concept is simple, write a few dozen, short articles that average 300 to 900 words in length, on a topic that is useful to the people you want to do business with, publish these articles online at any of the hundreds of "article submission sites" or "article banks."

Under the terms of service of these article banks, you permit other webmasters or newsletter publishers to reprint your articles under certain conditions. These conditions include the requirement that they reprint your article with no changes and give you proper attribution as the author of the article. This includes your resource box at the end of your article.

Your resource box is the only place you may sell in your article. The body of the article should have a low key, helpful flavor to it so that readers will feel that they are receiving valuable information on a topic of interest to them. But the resource box, is where you can tell about your self, about the services you offer and contains a link to your site that they may click in order to visit your website.

But how do you motivate readers to click on your link and go to your website? Here are a few ideas to include in your resource box that will greatly increase the number of visitors you get from every article you write:

  1. Offer to solve a problem. This should be easy since anyone reading your article is probably interested in solving a certain type of problem. In your resource box, you just spell out the solution more specifically and promise that they will find the solution when they visit your website.

  2. Make a promise. All benefits are promises. Promises to get something in exchange for clicking your link. Think through what you do and come up with some very clear and specific promises you can make. These are not always promises your services can deliver on, but promises they will get just for visiting your site.

  3. What changes do your readers want to realize? Benefits are simply solutions or changes. Make a list of all the changes you can offer someone and choose the most concise, most emotional change you can think of to put into your resource box.

  4. Use words like "find out" or "learn how" to get people to visit your website. People who read your online articles are looking for more information. "How to" type articles dominate article banks for the simple reason that people are looking for ways to solve problems and create changes, as we've already learned in the examples above.

  5. Use the words "you can." People may want to solve problems or create changes, but they also have doubts that they can bring these things to pass. "You can" phrases are strongly motivating and help readers picture themselves enjoying the solutions and changes your article promises.

  6. Put yourself in the minds of your potential visitors and make a list of "I wants" form their point of view. For example, if you are a lawyer, put yourself in the mindset of your potential clients. The I wants" you come up with may be: "I want to be compensated fairly for my pain and suffering," "I want to erase an unfair criminal conviction from my record, "I want to be paid for my lost wages from an employer who unjustly terminated my employment and then spread untrue rumors about me in the workplace."

Writing an outstanding resource box takes a lot of work. Often it is more work to write the resource box than it is to write the article itself. But remember you aren't selling yourself in the article, you are in the resource box. Make it shine and you will be rewarded by increased traffic and increased clients who want to do business with you.

Charles Brown is a copywriter and internet marketer who teaches entrepreneurs how to create superior marketing campaigns, write compelling web content, capture more leads, build huge email lists and use autoresponders to turn casual website visitors into buyers. His popular newsletter, Tightwad Marketing Ideas is a must for any entrepreneur wanting to successfully market any business without spending a fortune.

Article Marketing Tips - Where To Post Your Articles

If you have decided to use article marketing as a way to promote your website you may be wondering where you should post your articles and if you should bother using the hundreds of article directories on the internet.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business on the internet and using articles to promote your website is definitely one of the best ways of generating highly targeted visitors for free.

Although writing articles is hard work and time consuming the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages but to make it work you need to know where to post your articles for maximum traffic.

If your main objective is to gain thousands of one way links pointing to your website in order to improve your search engine rankings for a certain keyword you will need to submit your articles to as many article directories as you can to achieve maximum exposure.

Many article directories on the internet do not necessarily generate a lot of traffic for your website but if they have a high page rank (such as PR 4 or PR 5) you will definitely want a one way link from them as they will improve your rankings as well as help your website get indexed quicker by the search engines.

But if your main objective is to actually generate traffic in order to collect subscribers for your opt in list you will only need to submit your articles to a few of the best article directories that receive the majority of visitors.

By far the best article directory which generates the most traffic is called Ezine Articles but there is one other which you should also use which is called Go Articles. If you only submit your articles to these two you will attract a lot of visitors to your website and collect a lot of subscribers.

So deciding where to post your articles really depends on what your actual objective is and whether you want to improve your search engine rankings or just generate traffic. Of course you can always decide to do both.

Posting your articles to hundreds of article directories takes a huge amount of time so if you do want to improve your search engine rankings you should consider using an article submitter that will automatically post your articles to all of the main article directories on the internet.

You can learn more about Instant Article Submitter by going here:

The more exposure your articles get the more likely they will be seen by other website owners and ezine publishers who are looking for content and if your articles are good they will be used on their websites and in their ezines which can result in a sudden surge of subscribers and sales.

This article was written by Simon Akers who is the editor of the Marketing Oasis newsletter, a free internet marketing ezine packed with tips to help you succeed and increase your profits:

The Top 3 Ways to Fail at Article Marketing

Everyone seems to agree that articles are a phenomenal way of getting a good foothold in your online niche space - with all of the tips, tricks and fads, it seems pretty certain that article marketing will be a solid and secure strategy for years to come, right? What amazes me nonetheless is how SO many people seem to take a simple and straightforward strategy and just muck the whole thing up in the name of a few quick bucks and a quick end around approach to building a real business, rather than simply putting in the effort to make it happen.

The good news it this: If you aren't one of the sheep at the back of the pack buying into all of the boisterous buffoonery that the guys at the top want you to believe, and are willing to work hard, articles that you write for both content, and promotion are going to give you a HUGE leg up on your lackluster competition. For the rest of you who are going for the quick fix, here are a few of the TOP ways you should keep in mind as you strive to chase your tail for another few years..:-)

1) Don't write ANY of your own content. Simply spend your paycheck buying PLR memberships, article spinners and content creation programs. The guys selling all of these programs REALLY appreciate your patronage, and should you make the rash decision to actually create some unique, valuable content, many of these guys would have to find another meal ticket to milk. This wouldn't be nice to do, especially around the holidays.

2) Mass submit all of your articles to EVERY directory on the net. The more times your exact article shows up in every PR 0 and 1 directory online, the more of an authority you appear to be. Remember, all of those splogs that are carrying your content is a good thing - and paying that service to ensure that your apple pie recipe shows up in the travel directories database does help too. The more the merrier.

3) In your resource box - make sure you talk A LOT about yourself. Share all the awards you have won, and make sure to post a picture of yourself with a tank top on, because that REALLY juices up your click through rates. ( no pun intended) If you've got a cool pair of sunglasses, make sure you have them on when you take the picture to include in your bio, too. Also - if you have 20 free blogs, make sure to list at least 10 of them here, preferably in alphabetical order.

That's it! If you follow these three simple steps, well - let's just say you'll join the hundreds, if not thousands of other article marketers following these sure fire strategies for an ignominious end to their internet marketing aspirations. Or - you could simply roll your sleeves up, give up on the gurus, and get to work..:-) Either way, have fun and good luck!

Are you a Guru Groupie? Enough! It's Time For You to STEP up & stake your OWN claim!

If You want to learn how to publish articles the right way I am going to very simply show you how you can - starting today, earn more money, quickly, easily and ethically using elegant marketing principles that are timeless, powerful and simply work and do it in short order. Don't believe me? Let me prove it to you for free! Join the growing group of online entrepreneurs who are getting good karma through our simple to follow and completely free resource of kick a*s renegade online marketing magic. You are standing on the threshold of a new financial future. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one simple step. Click here to take YOURS right now.

Marketing Strategy - Waves of Quality Targeted Traffic From Article Marketing

There is a marketing strategy that allows you to get quality targeted traffic to your website and it is easy. You can use this marketing strategy to make money with Google adsense ads, affiliate products, or your own product. The best part is that it is easy and free. Read on to discover more about this great marketing strategy.

If you want quality targeted traffic, then you need to start article marketing. Article marketing is one of the free staples to website traffic that is always going to be targeted. There are some internet marketers that make their entire living from article marketing. Imagine waking up in the morning, or afternoon if you prefer, writing 5 to 10 articles, submitting them to top article directories, and when you are done, doing whatever you want with the rest of your day.

This is a reality for some people and these people are the ones that are using article marketing to get their targeted traffic. Read on to find out the basics of article marketing.

Basically you will need to have a subject in mind and a few affiliate product websites or Google AdSense websites to promote with your articles. Then, you need to brainstorm a list of possible article titles. The longer the list is the better because you will have more choices to write about. Last, you need to research and start writing your articles. Submit them one by one to the top article directories, then take one out of every ten or so and submit them all over the web to as many free article directories as you can find.

Article marketing is easy and is one of the top free marketing strategies. You can use article marketing to create a flood of quality targeted traffic to your website, blog, Google AdSense sites, or affiliate product sites.

Start turning a profit today with article marketing. Discover all the secrets of this top marketing strategy and create waves of quality targeted traffic to your website. Get the Secrets to article marketing here:

Article Marketing - Why You Should Market Your Online Business With Articles

Are you looking for reasons to market your online business with articles? Do you need a reason to write for your business? I have a few suggestions you can easily grasp and understand. These suggestions will not only give you reason to write, but a purpose of writing.

1. Acquire Expert Status

When you write about your business, you become a recognized expert in the industry. This key to online marketing gives you credibility and authority to stand in the gap for your customers. The potential for your business to grow, once you become a credible entity multiplies exponentially. People pay big money for degrees and education in any given field, experience counts as education, step up and claim your share of that money with experience you share.

2. Free Marketing Coverage

When you publish content online that can be republished in ezines, and other websites, you gain exposure for your business. Those who surf, find your links. By increasing your word counts and content value, your articles will be more readily picked up and republished. The value in the articles promotes not only your business, but any business with similar interests, products, and services. Published articles render contact information and links indefinitely when ezines are maintained and archived online.

3. Brand Recognition

When you promote your business with articles you have an opportunity to brand your business with terms, phrases, and concepts that people remember and review often. Information in any given topic will promote the use of related products. By using Article Marketing, you leave your website, your name, a key phrase, and contact information in your resource box, bringing identity and power to your business online.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Article Marketing - Attract Millions of Visitors to Your Site for Free

If you want to drive millions of people to your website annually without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so, you must become an expert in article marketing. This progressive, low cost marketing revolution is changing the face of advertising and public relations across the U.S., and indeed around the world. Before the dawn of the Internet, only companies with tens of millions of dollars set aside for marketing and advertising could make an impact on the psyche of an entire country. And where did all of those tens of millions of dollars go? To television, radio, newspaper, telemarketing and direct mail campaigns. Yes, these marketing vehicles are still effective, but they are losing their power hold month by month around the globe. Usage of traditional media is decreasing daily.

Article marketing (writing pivotal articles and publishing them online) can help build your site and your company in many significant ways. Not only you will drive astronomical numbers of visitors to your site, but you will also achieve a high level of credibility with your target audience, increase your Google ranking (which in turn will bring you lots of free advertising), and build your name in ways that only expensive PR firms were able to do in the past.

Why you ask? As already mentioned, people are increasingly turning to the Internet for information, entertainment, communication and shopping. According to, growth of Internet use in North America rose 106.7% from 2000 to 2005 alone.

Mega publishers and media outlets such as newspapers in major cities, network television and large radio syndicates used to have all the power. In the past, they dictated to the populous what we should be interested in. But the rise in consumer media has changed all that. Nowadays, people just want information about the issues that are of most interest to them. And since most people now turn to the Internet for answers, search engines now rule. What is the first thing you do when you want information? You go to your computer and type in your subject in a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or MSN. The goal of article marketing is to get people to click on one of your articles, and that article is hosted on your website of course! Once they are already on your site, your chances of engaging them with the rest of what you have to offer (and ultimately becoming a customer) goes up exponentially. The more you understand the logic behind search engine ranking systems, the more you can tweak your articles to garner the coveted higher positions in search results.

How much will this cost you? The good news is that article marketing is extremely low cost, and in many cases, totally free. You can achieve wide visibility of your articles with very little or no money at all. There are some inexpensive software packages (such as automated article submitters, etc) but these are generally low cost ($70-$300) and are not absolutely essential for success. Article submission software normally comes with a few hundred article "hubs" already installed (websites whose sole purpose is distribution of articles to thousands of other information sites). You can discover these hubs on your own, but it will take you much more time to find, test and learn to navigate each one. A simple rule - what you don't have in resources, you will end up investing in time.

Masterful Article Marketing can accomplish something even more important for you. When people find and are impressed with what you've written, you become an expert in their minds, which translates to a high level of credibility. And let us not forget that this respect is being nurtured in the minds of the exact demographic you seek to reach - you perfect target audience.

Another amazing benefit of publishing articles online is the free publicity that follows beyond the places you post. Well conceived, clearly written and smartly distributed articles can be as effective as press releases by top PR firms. Remember, the goal of successful marketing is increased business and profitability.

Increasing visitors to your site does something more for you - it improves your page ranking with the major search properties, which actually becomes free advertising for you. Search engines can see how much traffic each site has and rewards more highly visited sites with better ranking for articles housed on them. This is only one element in their alga rhythms, but an important one to keep in mind.

I have written extensively about the other secrets to super charging your articles for high positioning in search engines. Just remember, search engines are continually being tweaked to deliver the most relevant results to the information seeker.

In summary, there are many reasons why one should add article marketing to their advertising mix. Among these reasons are that article marketing is free, it drives tons of traffic, is highly valued with search engines and makes you an expert in the field. Bottom line, you can't afford not use article marketing as part of your advertising.

This article has been brought to you by Peter Grundner. For his new training "Article Marketing Made Easy" visit

Peter Grundner, a top advertising and marketing professional for over 20 years, is now a Home Business Entrepreneur and founder of &

Article Marketing - Should Be Reader Friendly

Article marketing is an excellent method of increasing traffic to your site. There are a lot of writers out there who are talented and can write articles for your site. With a large pool of potential employees who usually work free-lance, this is a marketing campaign that a site can undertake with little financial risk. You hire a person to develop creative content that will draw online surfers to your site. This small investment is an opportunity to increase site traffic as well as your search engine rating.

Article marketing, is placing your articles in online article directories for everyone to read. These articles usually will have a link to your own website at the bottom, with a photo and a short biodata about you. If someone reads your article and clicks on the backlink, your website gets traffic. Your article has to be impressive enough to induce the visitor to click on the backlink.

You can be successful if you remember a few things. You have to compose copy that reflects your readers' concerns. Perhaps you can inform your audience about a previously unpublicized service or give them pointers on how to do something for themselves. You want to create one-of-a-kind articles to get their attention, and unique content is what accomplishes that.

Use words that are easy for your readers to comprehend. Avoid flowery phrases that may tax the ordinary person's vocabulary. Avoid complicated concepts as well. Define any words you think will stump your audience. You can render copy more readable if you use boldfaced headings and bullets in front of the items on your lists. You want to offer your audience useful information and communicate to them that you have expertise pertinent to the topic.

As soon as your copy is prepared for publication, put it on a popular article directory. This is a kind of site that solicits columns from authors of all nations throughout the globe. It provides room for your contact information and for a backlink. It is crucial to post your copy on more than one directory at a time in order to raise your internet profile and generate more visitors to your site.

Article marketing can periodically fail to generate the funds it promises. A poorly written article will not attract viewers. The writer must possess rudimentary literary skills. The abrupt disappearance of the writer from the internet may also contribute to lack of income. Article writers must consistently provide new articles with fresh ideas. For a productive and gifted writer, article marketing is a great way to make a living.

In today's technologically driven world there are many ways to earn money through Internet and article writing is one of them. Many article writers are happy writing content for websites. If you engage yourself in article marketing, then your article will pay you as long as it is present on the site. Write something your reader is interested in. Your subject matter can be about a little-known but useful service or a self-help guide, a how-to article or handy hints about something. If your unique articles contain stimulating information, their unique content is sure to arouse your reader's interest. Write in a reader-friendly language and style.