
Monday, April 28, 2008

Best Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

If you want to advance in article marketing, you need to be more aggressive in publishing your article online. Don't be contented with article submission sites. To create more inbound links for your website, you can also post your articles to your blog, websites, forums, or compile them to create an ebook.

Looking for other secrets to advance with article marketing? Read on!

1. Make use of killer titles. Articles with boring titles seldom create interest online because people automatically think that if your titles are not good enough, your articles are not worth reading so why should they bother and check out your content? Avoid this from happening by making your titles striking and attention-grabbing. It would also help to incorporate keywords on your headlines to make your articles highly searchable online.

2. Inform before your advertise. Impart some of your knowledge that you think will be valuable and useful to your readers. Make sure that the information you include in your content can help you establish your expertise on your chosen niche. When you are able to educate or help people, it would be easier to convince them to visit your website and join your newsletters.

3. Use compelling resource box. To increase your conversation rate, you have to make your resource box attention-grabbing and enticing. Communicate your expertise, the problems that you solve and your desire to help. Don't forget to include your website's URL and the reasons why readers should click on it.

4. Make your articles scannable. When people open an article that's made up of lengthy paragraphs and barely contain page breaks, they are most likely to close it and move to other articles that are easy on the eyes. Online users prefer articles that are easily to skim through so they can quickly find specific information that they need. To help them out, make your articles scannable by using sub headings, bullet points, and numbered list when appropriate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing is the #1 Traffic Strategy

Once you apply the multipliers which is search engine data for content sites, affiliate programs for sales sites and then after one-time promotions, my #1 strategy which I have found to be the most effective method of getting traffic to new sites as well as old is submitting articles with a short promotional blurb in a resource box at the end of the article.

There are many avenues to get your articles distributed. You can posting articles at or, Associated Content and SearchWarp all good places to submit. You can also use services like or and pay to have your articles distributed. Another way to distribute is to use software like Article Submitter Pro or Article Post Robot.

There is nothing wrong with any of these techniques. I have used them all successfully. But there is a much, much more powerful method of article marketing that most marketers miss- ezine and newsletter marketing.

First I want you to get a grip on the potential of article marketing and then I want you to get a grip on how small of a slice of the pie the above methods cover. Go to Google and type your one word topic followed by the word "article" and then followed by the word "articles". So if your topic is "golf", then search for: golf article, golf articles. Then repeat the above process using "ezine", "ezines", "newsletter" plus "newsletters". I want you to make a note of how many search results are returned for each of these -these are the results your competition is missing. Thousands of article marketers are all competing for the attention of just a tiny fraction of the total market for article distribution, while missing the important ezine and newsletter channel for distribution.

This is where ArticleROI can be a powerful tool in your arsenal - it submits to hundreds of built-in ezines and newsletters, and allow you to add an unlimited amount of your own, custom publishers.

Making Online Article Marketing Work for an Insurance Agency

You have a successful insurance business with a large client base and a regular flow of prospects. So why would you write articles for the internet? There are a number of good reasons to use internet articles as part of your marketing mix.

First, it's effective it's easy and it's no cost. And once even one article is out there it's available for people all over the world to read anytime, any day. And if you are licensed to sell in other locales there is no reason to not do business in those areas.

Second, articles position you as an expert in your field. This may not seem terribly important to you, but people like to know that they're buying from the best, no matter what they are buying. The easiest way to position yourself or your business as an expert is to be published. And published is published whether it is on paper or on the internet.

Third, articles help you build an email mailing list that you can then use to do email promotions in all the areas where you are licensed. Once people have opted-in on a list like this, they are more predisposed to buy what you sell than people on a list acquired any other way.

You're probably already communicating with your prospect base with a newsletter. If you have created the content within your company (articles on the internet must be original content) that same kind of information is fine fodder for an internet article campaign.

To illustrate what an article writing campaign might look like for an insurance business, let's look at some of the article ideas a variety of insurance businesses might used to drive people to their websites, and we've barely scratched the surface.

•Employee Health Insurance: Seven Qualities to Look for in Health Insurance for Employee Benefits:

•The Role that Benefits Play in Employee Retention

•Employee Benefits: The Benefits A Small Business Can Offer to Get and Keep Good Employees

•7 Critical Issues to Consider When Evaluating Life Insurance.

•Pros and Cons of Term and Full Life Insurance

•How Much Would It Take to Replace Everything After a Fire? How to Evaluate Your Homeowners Insurance.

•Home Owners Insurance - what Isn't Covered.

If you would like to learn more about internet marketing tactics to use for your brick and mortar business, I invite you to look at

From Jane Trevaskis and

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 3 No-Brainer Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is an expensive strategy that is highly recommended by most of the best online marketers in terms of traffic generation and product promotion. While this strategy can be effective, this can be confusing for first time users. If you are one of them, this article is for you because it includes the 3 no-brainer ways to improve your article marketing campaign.

1. Identify your objectives. Are you utilizing article marketing to promote your products and services? Or are you using it so you can generate more links from other websites and blogs? It can also be that your main goal is to drive traffic to you site. Establishing your objective can greatly guide you in writing your articles that you will submit on article submission sites.

2. Understand the process of article marketing. In order to benefit from this technique, you must know the elements by heart. Some writers fail to recognize that in order to succeed in article marketing they have to understand search engine optimization so their articles will get indexed. Other writers fail because they don't know the best articles submission sites where they can post their articles. To get maximum exposure I suggest ezinearticles and goarticles.

3. Use attention-grabbing titles. This is especially crucial if you would like to use your articles as link baits. Remember, without a compelling headline, it will not really matter if your article is well-written and useful because most likely, it will not be read at all. Great article titles are brief, concise, keyword-rich, and communicates the benefits they can offer the potential readers. If you are able to master the art of creating compelling titles, you have won half the battle of having your articles read.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How to Make Quick Money Writing Articles

Many people want to know how to make money by writing articles. I usually tell them that in order to make significant long-term money, they have to write one or more articles per day and keep at it for several months.

But what about the people who don't want to make significant long-term money? Are you out of luck if you just want to make a few hundred quick bucks? Not at all. In fact, it is quite easy to make quick money on the Internet if you are skilled at writing articles.

Go to one of the large forums in your niche, I use Digital Point and Warrior Forum. Once there, go to the sections for general marketing discussions. Look for questions on marketing a product and offer to write articles to help them promote their product. Then, enter a post or two on each forum offering to write articles for others.

You will not get rich using this technique. But then, you said you only wanted to make a few hundred, right? Most people will pay $4 - $5 per article, depending on length, quality, etc. If you are experienced, you can probably write a 400 - 500 word article in about half an hour. Therefore, you can pretty easily write four articles per day. If we use the lower figure of $4 each, you will earn about $480 in a month using this technique.

All in all, if you are looking to make quick money writing articles, forums are you best bet. This method has the added advantage of allowing you to set your own terms. If a client needs 10 articles, you can write five on day one and require some or all of the payment on delivery. However, in most cases, people want to review the articles before completing the payment.

If you do not want to spend time in the forums, you can use one of the many companies on the Internet that pay you for your articles. However, you will not make much more from these companies because they receive a portion of your earnings on every sale you make. And, because these companies have so many authors writing for them, you would not make much money right away.

Do you want to know how I make money? Download my FREE ebook and find out how to make money each and every day.

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Article Marketing - How to Create Your Own Article Writing and Article Submission Strategy

Do not let your worry that you are not a professional writer prevent you from using article marketing, one of the most reliable ways of increasing web site traffic.

You are not writing articles to be graded on like a college exam, you are looking to learn to implement an article submission strategy to start creating profits online.

Here are 7 steps to get you started article marketing:

  1. Select your target market category, choose a topic, create your title, and write your article content, and an effective resource box with anchor or text links to your website
  2. Provide good quality, highly relevant content and you'll be helping the search engines, and in turn, you'll gain legitimate back links, your readers will be able to easily find you, and you'll be able to maintain a long term presence online.
  3. Create a call to action in your article that will encourage article readers to click on the link in your bio or resource box that will take them to your desired web page
  4. Create separate web pages for each key word phrase and optimize that page for that specific keyword - use a content or squeeze page with an autoresponder opt in form.
  5. Submit all your articles to a short list (5-6) of high ranked (PR 5-7) article directory sites to get immediate indexing by search engines. I recommend doing this step daily, or at least weekly. Remember search engines like to see regular updating.
  6. Submit selected articles to a long list of 100 -150 (PR 2-5) article directory sites to generate back links over a period of time. I recommend doing this at least monthly
  7. Test various approaches and directories and carefully document what you do and the results you get. Learn to use your autoresponder to track your results by creating separate web forms for each of your traffic sources or article directories.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: Learn How Article Marketing Starts You Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover the Art of Creating Profits OnLine with Article Submission Strategy

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

Monster Money Maker - Create the Ultimate Money Making Machine

Are you hungry for a rip-roaring tummy filling solution to your January Cash Flow Issues? You've come to the right place. Monster money maker has a big solution, called the ultimate money making machine. Are you ready?

Don't you just hate those fast start sales lead-ins that attempt to drive you to the website? Me too. But, they work. So, let's move on to the part where we fill up your tummy.

1. Lead Generation

Article Marketing works. You could stop reading right there and you'd have a prime bit of meat for your plate, but let's continue to add on some lead generation tools that will build your business online. A squeeze or capture page grabs signatures and emails from those who are interested in your topic. Let's face it, if the reader isn't going to give you their email, based on the link to your website and the information you provide, they won't give you their credit card later.

2. Keyword Domination.

Dominate your niche with keyword optimized content and use passive income streams. Infiltrating your articles and content with keyword domination, maximizes the effectiveness of your website, your article marketing, and your efforts at building a niche online. If your articles pack a punch with keyword optimized content, they sell well, they grab readers, and they drive results.

3. Provide Solutions.

Everybody on the Internet has a problem of one kind or another, so give them a solution. Provide solutions to the readers in your niche market and you've got a strong arm on their pockets. You can wrangle a jingle out of their pockets easier if you've already offered them a solution, than if you've just caterwauled their problem to death. Provide solutions.

A strong marketing list is the solution to your money issues. If you're still worrying the how to make money question, you've missed the point. You need a list. Once you create a list of marketing prospects, you've begun the process that will ultimately result in your making money online.

For more information about how to build your list, go to and sign up for Two FREE Article Templates and the ADvertiZe ezine today. You'll receive frequent tips and messages about monster money solutions.

Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Priceless Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

One of the best ways to promote your products and website for free online is through writing and distributing your articles. A lot of ezine publishers and webmasters love free content and if you can provide them valuable articles, they will give you quality inbound links for your website that can give you a lot of exposure.

Here are the 4 priceless secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Keep your readers in mind when writing your articles. It would be better if you can put yourself in their shoes so you will better understand their needs and problems. By doing so, you will become more effective in imparting knowledge that they will find relevant and useful to their lives.

2. Create a compelling author's bio. Most publishing sites will allow you to introduce yourself through your author's bio page. Take advantage of this so your readers will get to know you more on a personal level. Tell them what you do for a living, for fun, and what makes you a great marketer that they should trust. Don't forget to include your most recent photos so they can associate your personal information with a face.

3. Pick the best topics. By this, I mean write about topics that are highly related to your products and services so you will be able to drive quality traffic to your website. For instance, if you are selling wedding dresses, you can write about "Designer wedding dresses", "Where to get cheap but quality wedding dresses", etc. When you do, you will be able to attract the people who are most likely to buy your products.

4. Bank on the quality of your articles. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles. When people see that your articles are well-written and content-rich they are most likely to click on your resource box as they will instantly regard you as an expert on your chosen niche.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.