
Monday, May 12, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets to Ramp up Your Online Business

Articles here, articles there! Yep, people have already discovered that to collect a great deal of money, they need to write articles to promote their business. And if you are one of those business owners that want to make it big, then you might as well start your own article marketing. Believe it or not, writing articles will give you more benefits than problems, if any.

Here are some of the secrets how to ramp up your online business with the use of productive article marketing.

1. If you want publicity, then you might as well start giving out articles to affiliate members. In this way, you will be able to advertise in the sites of other companies. You will have the chance to include your links in their newsletters as well. With getting more links to your site, you will have a lot of chances to land on the highest page rank for the search engines.

2. You see, your main reason for article writing is to have advertisements and links for you site. And the reason why you are advertising is because you want to have more visitors to your site. To make this goal easy to attain submit articles to directories that have higher page rank as well as very high traffic. This would be a domino effect then. The more visitors to the directory, the more traffic will go to your site.

3. Should you need more articles to your site and you are limited with time, you can always hire someone to write for you. Nowadays, there are freelancers that can help you come up with well-written and unique articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Secrets to Ramp up Your Online Business

Articles here, articles there! Yep, people have already discovered that to collect a great deal of money, they need to write articles to promote their business. And if you are one of those business owners that want to make it big, then you might as well start your own article marketing. Believe it or not, writing articles will give you more benefits than problems, if any.

Here are some of the secrets how to ramp up your online business with the use of productive article marketing.

1. If you want publicity, then you might as well start giving out articles to affiliate members. In this way, you will be able to advertise in the sites of other companies. You will have the chance to include your links in their newsletters as well. With getting more links to your site, you will have a lot of chances to land on the highest page rank for the search engines.

2. You see, your main reason for article writing is to have advertisements and links for you site. And the reason why you are advertising is because you want to have more visitors to your site. To make this goal easy to attain submit articles to directories that have higher page rank as well as very high traffic. This would be a domino effect then. The more visitors to the directory, the more traffic will go to your site.

3. Should you need more articles to your site and you are limited with time, you can always hire someone to write for you. Nowadays, there are freelancers that can help you come up with well-written and unique articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing and Some Guidelines to Crafting an Engaging Resource Box

Ranking good at search engines through requires two important factors. These are:

1. Valuable, regularly updated and Search Engine friendly content.

2. And the quantity and quality of links, preferably one-way, pointing back to your website.

Search Engines tend to rank websites with higher number of incoming links (links found at other web pages that would direct clicks to your web site). To Search Engines, a well-linked web site has more value than those with less or none at all.

One way increase your web site's incoming links is through article marketing. It is a marketing strategy that has been more popular in its online advertising form. In article marketing, the marketer provides valuable information on a certain niche in the form of articles. These articles are then freely distributed to different article directories. The author or company would then gain authority or have their expertise make known within the market that they are operating.

Entrepreneurs and companies distribute articles about their business, generally because they:

* Want to establish themselves as experts in the specific niche that they are conducting business on,

* Feel the need to offer free and valuable information to the their targeted market, and

* Need to advertise their website, product, and/or service.

Article Marketing entails time and knowledge or money. Having the money, and not so much time or having poor English, a company or professional could choose to hire a ghostwriter who would be willing to give up copyright of their work for a price. Businesses owners/ professionals could also opt to do the writing themselves if they lack the money. Or it could also work with the combination of the factors given depending on what suits the entrepreneur best.

The key to getting articles accepted by the directories are quality content, no advertisement in the article body and no links or if any, just those directed to helpful resources. You also have to work on a resource box that urges the reader to take action to gain business leads.

The success of writing an article for distribution on the World Wide Web is not limited to the excellent writing of the entrepreneur or a hired ghostwriter, it also needs a compelling Author Resource. The Resource box is article component where the reader is urged to take action. This makes the article resource a very vital tool in article marketing.

To craft a Resource Box to capture readers' interest, here are some pointers:

1. Brand your name. Writing in the third person, introduce the name or your company. Information about who you are should be enclosed in the first sentence of your resource.

2. Speak of your 'expertise'. Relate relevant experiences, years working in the field, past occupations, awards achieved, etc. Any truthful statement of credibility is well acknowledged.

3. Try offering something for free. If you have other free info products or materials that establish your expertise, this would be the best place to distribute these.

4. Call to action. Include anything that would prompt the reader to go further like 'Please visit' or 'Click here to subscribe', etc. Not having these action words would make you miss out on a whole lot of clicks.

Needing a ghostwriter to write high quality articles for you? Contact Aweng Moral-Basco at aweng.freelance (a)

A glimpse at Aweng's thoughts--a personal blog

Article Marketing and Some Guidelines to Crafting an Engaging Resource Box

Ranking good at search engines through requires two important factors. These are:

1. Valuable, regularly updated and Search Engine friendly content.

2. And the quantity and quality of links, preferably one-way, pointing back to your website.

Search Engines tend to rank websites with higher number of incoming links (links found at other web pages that would direct clicks to your web site). To Search Engines, a well-linked web site has more value than those with less or none at all.

One way increase your web site's incoming links is through article marketing. It is a marketing strategy that has been more popular in its online advertising form. In article marketing, the marketer provides valuable information on a certain niche in the form of articles. These articles are then freely distributed to different article directories. The author or company would then gain authority or have their expertise make known within the market that they are operating.

Entrepreneurs and companies distribute articles about their business, generally because they:

* Want to establish themselves as experts in the specific niche that they are conducting business on,

* Feel the need to offer free and valuable information to the their targeted market, and

* Need to advertise their website, product, and/or service.

Article Marketing entails time and knowledge or money. Having the money, and not so much time or having poor English, a company or professional could choose to hire a ghostwriter who would be willing to give up copyright of their work for a price. Businesses owners/ professionals could also opt to do the writing themselves if they lack the money. Or it could also work with the combination of the factors given depending on what suits the entrepreneur best.

The key to getting articles accepted by the directories are quality content, no advertisement in the article body and no links or if any, just those directed to helpful resources. You also have to work on a resource box that urges the reader to take action to gain business leads.

The success of writing an article for distribution on the World Wide Web is not limited to the excellent writing of the entrepreneur or a hired ghostwriter, it also needs a compelling Author Resource. The Resource box is article component where the reader is urged to take action. This makes the article resource a very vital tool in article marketing.

To craft a Resource Box to capture readers' interest, here are some pointers:

1. Brand your name. Writing in the third person, introduce the name or your company. Information about who you are should be enclosed in the first sentence of your resource.

2. Speak of your 'expertise'. Relate relevant experiences, years working in the field, past occupations, awards achieved, etc. Any truthful statement of credibility is well acknowledged.

3. Try offering something for free. If you have other free info products or materials that establish your expertise, this would be the best place to distribute these.

4. Call to action. Include anything that would prompt the reader to go further like 'Please visit' or 'Click here to subscribe', etc. Not having these action words would make you miss out on a whole lot of clicks.

Needing a ghostwriter to write high quality articles for you? Contact Aweng Moral-Basco at aweng.freelance (a)

A glimpse at Aweng's thoughts--a personal blog

Article Marketing and Some Guidelines to Crafting an Engaging Resource Box

Ranking good at search engines through requires two important factors. These are:

1. Valuable, regularly updated and Search Engine friendly content.

2. And the quantity and quality of links, preferably one-way, pointing back to your website.

Search Engines tend to rank websites with higher number of incoming links (links found at other web pages that would direct clicks to your web site). To Search Engines, a well-linked web site has more value than those with less or none at all.

One way increase your web site's incoming links is through article marketing. It is a marketing strategy that has been more popular in its online advertising form. In article marketing, the marketer provides valuable information on a certain niche in the form of articles. These articles are then freely distributed to different article directories. The author or company would then gain authority or have their expertise make known within the market that they are operating.

Entrepreneurs and companies distribute articles about their business, generally because they:

* Want to establish themselves as experts in the specific niche that they are conducting business on,

* Feel the need to offer free and valuable information to the their targeted market, and

* Need to advertise their website, product, and/or service.

Article Marketing entails time and knowledge or money. Having the money, and not so much time or having poor English, a company or professional could choose to hire a ghostwriter who would be willing to give up copyright of their work for a price. Businesses owners/ professionals could also opt to do the writing themselves if they lack the money. Or it could also work with the combination of the factors given depending on what suits the entrepreneur best.

The key to getting articles accepted by the directories are quality content, no advertisement in the article body and no links or if any, just those directed to helpful resources. You also have to work on a resource box that urges the reader to take action to gain business leads.

The success of writing an article for distribution on the World Wide Web is not limited to the excellent writing of the entrepreneur or a hired ghostwriter, it also needs a compelling Author Resource. The Resource box is article component where the reader is urged to take action. This makes the article resource a very vital tool in article marketing.

To craft a Resource Box to capture readers' interest, here are some pointers:

1. Brand your name. Writing in the third person, introduce the name or your company. Information about who you are should be enclosed in the first sentence of your resource.

2. Speak of your 'expertise'. Relate relevant experiences, years working in the field, past occupations, awards achieved, etc. Any truthful statement of credibility is well acknowledged.

3. Try offering something for free. If you have other free info products or materials that establish your expertise, this would be the best place to distribute these.

4. Call to action. Include anything that would prompt the reader to go further like 'Please visit' or 'Click here to subscribe', etc. Not having these action words would make you miss out on a whole lot of clicks.

Needing a ghostwriter to write high quality articles for you? Contact Aweng Moral-Basco at aweng.freelance (a)

A glimpse at Aweng's thoughts--a personal blog

Powerful Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Effective Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Are you thinking of using article marketing as your advertising tool in promoting your business and marketing your products in the World Wide Web. Well, I'd say you have made a wise decision as it is the most efficient and cost-effective marketing tool in the internet today.

Here are the 4 effective secrets to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Use striking titles. Your headlines are one of the elements that can either make or break your marketing efforts. These can be your greatest tool in getting online users to open and read your articles. Thus, it is very important that your titles are attention-grabbing, interesting, direct to the point, and communicate the readers' benefits.

2. Content. This is what will be the deciding factor of online users if they will read, pick up, and republish your articles. If your content is well-written, useful, interesting, fact-based, and direct to the point, you can be assured that your articles will be widely distributed.

3. Target market. You also need to make sure that your articles are targeted and relevant to your potential readers' needs. After all, they will be the one who will read your articles so you might as well make your content beneficial for them. If you can consistently do this, your readers will not only support your other articles but also, they will most likely to consider doing business with you.

4. Article submission sites. In writing your articles, you need to consider the rules and terms of service set forth by publishing sites to increase the chances of your articles being posted online. Some of their requirements are the following: your articles must run 300-500 words, they must be free from blatant advertisements and sales pitch, they must not have hyperlinks on the article body, they must not contain inappropriate content, etc.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - 6 Strategic Ways To Write An Article In Less Than 10 Minutes

These five strategies will vastly increase your article writing speed. If you just follow these tactics, you'll start pumping out articles every ten minutes. I promise.

6 strategic ways to make a successful article in less than 10 minutes

  1. Writing in bullet points is a great way to write article faster. Instead of trying to think of a way to make a sentence that connects your last sentence to the next one, you can just put up a bullet point. This is a fast way to write an article, and readers love it when you use bullet points.

  2. Using the backspace button will decrease your articles submission rate. Try your best not to use the back space. The more you use it, the slower your article writing becomes. The backspace button is your enemy!

  3. Do not write rough drafts and brain storms. This will decrease your article writing time. By the time your done writing the brainstorm and rough draft, you could have already written more than 5 articles waiting to be submitted. So don't write rough drafts or articles. This vastly decreases your article writing time.

  4. Writing without thinking is one of the best ways to write a fast article. Don't stop to think if your last sentence was good or not. Chances are that it was good enough. Just write and don't think about what to write about. Just do it. Let your subconscious flow through your fingertips and let your hands write you a successful article.

  5. Write about something that you know about. Writing about something you have that absolutely no idea what it's about will increase your writers block and decrease your articles submission time. Write about something you know!

  6. Split up your subject into sub topics. The more sub topics you have, the better. Then once your done breaking it up, start writing about each sub topic. This is a great way to write a fast article because your not trying to squeeze in every ounce of information about your subject. Your just trying to write small fragments about your subject.

This article only took me 8 minutes to write and now I am going to be working on my next one. Just follow these strategies, and your article writing speed will vastly increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at