
Monday, May 5, 2008

Article Marketing - How You Can Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Your Articles

Article Marketing is something that thousands of people do to drive traffic to their websites. It's no secret that a well written article can be thought provoking enough for readers to want to know more about either you or your services. So, what do they do? They click on your link in your resource box. But are you making effective use of understanding the conversion rates for the clicks that you get?

From my own perspective, my main interests are in motivation, wealth creation and self defense. These are the subjects that I write about most often. However, I am departing from that here because I have discovered something that I think will be of benefit to all article writers.

I don't write about things like "the best sexual positions" or "cell phone number spying" or "how to increase your penis size" or "how to shave your pubic hair" or "how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you" or any other such subjects that get tens of thousands of hits. Why? Quite simply I don't have a website on any of those things that could take advantage of the traffic it would bring.

Now here is something that you will probably find interesting...

I have over 250 articles all over the web in hundreds of "far-flung" places and in many different languages. This number of articles will show significant trends when viewed in terms of statistical anaysis.

I know which articles are "ball-bursters" and which are complete flops. So, what does that tell me? Write more articles (in my domains of knowledge and interest) that are popular - obviously! What is the point of writing articles that nobody else wants to read? Now here comes the interesting bit...

By analyzing the results of these articles I am able to see which ones are giving me the most click-throughs to my websites. Time for a little mathematics...

If I have 1,395 click-throughs from 170,424 views of my articles then my conversion rate is 0.82%. That tells me that for every thousand people who read my articles only 8 will be interested enough to go to one of my websites. Pretty horrendous huh? Then again, there are millions of articles on the web and people's time is at a premium. A reader has to be REALLY interested to make that click.

So, if I have some articles - which I do - that are returning the following statistics, what does that tell me?

  • 8 from 23 ( conversion rate 34.8%)
  • 400 from 2,667 (15%)
  • 28 from 154 (18%)
  • 191 from 1736 (11%)
  • 23 from 81 (28%)
That tells me that these particular articles SMASH my average. Hmm. So, what else does that tell me? Here is what I think...

  1. - The headline REALLY worked because it attracted attention
  2. - The article summary/teaser REALLY worked because it made people curious
  3. - The copy (article body) REALLY worked because it contained good information
  4. - The resource box REALLY worked because people wanted to know more.

So, now, what do you think I should do?

  1. - Write more headlines like that
  2. - Write more summaries/teasers like that
  3. - Write more articles like that
  4. - Write more resource boxes like that

The other thing - which I have not yet analysed in depth - is that the keywords REALLY worked. I need to look at that more.

So what is my point is this?

Watch what your statistics are telling you. Once you get the "formula" correct then all it requires is for you to stick with it and you will see a LOT more click-throughs to your websites than you thought was possible. I may have more to say on this later. Stay tuned...

This has been a "Public Service Announcement" from me to you purely for your benefit because I don't have an Article Marketing website. But if you want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

Article Marketing How to Article Market Like the Pros

Article marketing has been really good for me and my list and my web site and my business. That is a pretty strong (although incorrect grammatically) statement, but I am a real big believer in article marketing. It has been the difference fro me and I think that if I had not found article marketing, I probably would not be fulltime online today, but that is really a different story for a different day.

There are two ways to article market, and although they work together synergistically, I think that when you are just starting out, you should choose one and focus on it so that you get really good at it. Then once you know what works and why, from first-hand experience, then you can try the other form.

So what are they? Here is the first one: write and submit articles for the purpose of getting rank-increasing backlinks to your web site. The theory is that when you have lots of backlinks to your web site, the search engines rank you higher, because they assume that you must be popular. To do this, you need backlinks from a lot of sites not a lot from a few sites. So to do this best, it is better to submit 1 article to 500 sites than to submit 500 articles to one site. So if you are going to do this, write one article, then submit it to as many article directories as you can find online. Vary the text of the live link you put in the bio, so that the search engines dont think you are spamming.

The second one is to article market for direct traffic. Now the way to do this is, instead of try to get your own high ranking in a little-known keyword, use the article directories (there are about 3) that have page ranks of 5 or more. So you will limit yourself to just submitting to 5 article directories, or a few more, and write multiple articles. So the idea here would be to write 500 articles and submit them to 5 directories, versus the opposite approach in the first way I mentioned earlier.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 500 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Fast Article Marketing - Discover 2 Top Secrets to Breakthrough With Article Marketing

Do all webmasters succeed in article marketing? Though this technique is very simple and easy to do, a lot of webmasters are still not enjoying the full benefits it offers. Why? It's because some webmasters do not understand how the quality of their articles plays a crucial role in generating traffic through this technique.

In article marketing, not all articles are created equal. While some articles are getting the attention they need from online users, other articles are just posted somewhere, stagnant and not receiving action. So, with this, it is important to note that no matter how many articles you submit, if they are not well-written and useful, they will not be able to bring home the bacon.

Here are the 2 top secrets to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. The first step that you can take in order to effectively sell your article is through the use of compelling titles. If you have been around long enough, you know that 95% of the success of your articles depends on your titles. To make sure that your titles are attention-grabbing, its first 3 words must already make an impression to the readers. If your first 3 words don't push a button, you can be sure that your articles will not be read. Other great elements of good titles are; keyword-rich, concise, and direct to the point.

2. The second and equally important element is the quality of your articles. Online users will judge your level of expertise based on what you wrote. The more information you spill out, the greater chances you get in gaining their trust. You must also ensure that your articles are well-written, keyword-rich, easy to understand, and useful. In addition, they must free from any grammar and factual errors.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Strategy - Submit Fresh Articles To Each Directory

There is no disputing that one of the best ways to market your website on the Internet is by writing and submitting articles. Article marketing is every bit as powerful as other forms of Internet marketing such as e-mail marketing, pay per click advertising, forum marketing and so on.

In this article, I want to talk briefly about the many benefits of developing an article marketing strategy to give you website visitors for many years to come.

You are probably familiar with the phrase content is king. This is true because search engines are constantly looking for fresh content to provide for their searchers. One thing you can do is write a keyword specific article.

You can find all kinds of free software to develop the keyword list to write about. Google has an excellent keyword development website for their pay per click advertising program called Google Adwords. You can go to Overture to find one that people have been using for years now to get keywords to write about.

Writing articles will give your website many benefits that your competition will not have. Here are 4 of them!

1. Writing articles does not cost you anything. Writing articles does cost a little bit of your time. But this is one free form of promotion that really does work. It's not as hard as it would sound either. offers some excellent training on how to write articles. It in no time at all, if you can talk, you can write.

2. Writing articles is an excellent way to get your website noticed quickly. Major article directories are spidered several times every day by various search engines. By writing and submitting a quality article to these directories you can get your website spidered too. You do this by including your website address in the bio box at the bottom of each of your articles.

3. Submitting a quality article to a well-known directory serves two purposes. Number one, you can get your traffic from the people that are reading your articles. Number two your articles can serve a search engine bait to get the search engines coming to your website.

If a search engine sees something they like on your site and you can begin to rank high for specific keywords that the article is written about. Doing this can bring you traffic to your website for years and years to come.

4. In marketing, we talk about the term branding. You can use article marketing to brand yourself as an expert on the theme of your website. As you begin to develop more and more in the marketplace your reputation will grow. This will give you more visitors, and ultimately create more sales.

In our opinion, the keys to the perfect article marketing strategy, is writing unique articles, and then submitting them to as many quality directories as possible.

If this is something you don't feel you can do you can hirer an article writer to do it for you. The key is that you get started using articles to build your business for long term free traffic as soon as possible.

Jeff Schuman is the creator of "Hands Off Article Marketing" a program designed to help internet busines owners who do not like to write. Now you can take your business to the next level using article marketing without doing the work yourself. To learn more useful make money online ideas and article writing tips please visit his website here:

Targeted Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Practical Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

It is no secret that article marketing is currently the best method to promote your business, build and strengthen your online credibility, and increase your sales potential.

1. Offer useful information. The only reason why people will read your articles is to get useful information that is relevant to their problems and areas of interest. So make sure that your articles are content-rich and highly targeted to the needs and demands of your readers.

2. Keep your articles short. Remember, the audiences that you serve have short attention spans. By keeping your articles short, you will be able to hold your readers' attention and get your message across as quickly as possible.

3. Communicate the benefits of your article on your title. People would not read your article if they feel that it will be just waste of their time. But if you tell them upfront that they will be getting something in return, they will most likely to consider investing their precious time and read your articles.

4. Submit your articles to highly visited publishing sites. To give your articles the exposure they deserve, submit them on article submission sites that have impressive page ranking and steady traffic. These are the sites that can increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished.

5. Use your articles in publishing your ezine. If you are leaning towards building a good, trusting relationship with your potential clients, you need to establish a constant communication by sending them valuable information from time to time. Don't wait for them to go online and search for your articles, instead send them right into their inbox.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Ugly Truth About Getting Thousands Of Visitors To Your Website!

Are you just starting your online marketing adventure? If yes, you are going to discover the best way to write killer articles that earn you a nice and steady income all during the year.

Do you want to find out a simple and effective method to build a list of thousands of subscribers, drive hordes of traffic to your website and make sales in the front and backend?

It's easy, just write short articles and give them away. That's it.

Writing articles and giving them away for free is the best thing you can do for your business. It's a short and long term strategy.

1. Short term strategy

Whenever you submit your articles to the top directories such as ezine articles, article dashboard and buzzle, you will get instant traffic. Once your articles are approved, you will receive visitors and many of them will click on the link that you put in your bio box.

What is a bio box?

It's the "about the author" byline. If you have a website about forex, you could write a bio box like this:

"John Doe is the owner of the powerful Forex trading software. To discover how you can earn thousands of dollars trading currency exchange, download his free report - How to generate 180 pips every single day on complete autopilot - today!"

Anyone reading your article and interested in the forex market will want to click to learn more.

2. Long term strategy

After a while, your article will only get a few visitors a month from the directory itself, but here come the good news. Your traffic will come from the search engines like Google, Yahoo and msn.

Plus the publishers who added your articles to their web pages will also drive traffic to your site for years to come.

Do you see how powerful it is? And even better, this traffic generation method is ultra cheap. You don't even need to pay a cent.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Latest Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

If you are looking for a perfect marketing tool that can help you create and strengthen your business relationship with you potential clients, drive more interested people to your website, improve your search engine ranking, and boost your online revenue, article marketing is for you. This is currently the most used marketing tool that is preferred by millions of webmasters from around the globe because it doesn't only delivers but it is also cost-effective.

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Write your articles while keeping your potential clients in mind. What information do they need to see on your content? What is their preferred writing style? How long should your articles run before you bore your readers? Questions like these can help you better serve your audience by making your content more targeted to their needs and preferences.

2. You need to be determined. When you decide to sink your teeth into this marketing tool, you have to understand that success does not come overnight. You have to consistently write and publish articles on a regular basis to continuously create traffic for your website. Do not lose hope and just give up even if you don't see favorable results within the first couple of weeks. Experts agree that you need at least 150-300 articles before you can drive substantial amount of traffic to your website.

3. Empathize. As an internet market, you need to win your potential clients' trust so they will like you and consider doing business with you. Show concern and communicate your desire to help on your content so your readers will feel that you are after their welfare and not just their money.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.