
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Article Marketing - Can You Get 30,000 Hits per Month?

The use of internet has increased a lot in the past few years and this has resulted in an increased level of competition amongst the websites on the World Wide Web. In this situation where there are millions of websites existing on the web, it is difficult for them to stand out of the crowd until and unless they plan proper marketing campaigns. The survival of the websites is dependent on the number of visits they get per month. There is a high level of competition still there are websites which manage to get the attention of people. There are websites which experience lot of web traffic and are thus very successful. If you want to get 30,000 or more hits per month, you can use article marketing as your most important marketing technique. Not all of the marketing techniques can be as effective as article marketing. This technique may take a little more time than other techniques in helping you create a positive web traffic flow, but the effects are almost always lasting.

Article marketing can help you in getting 30,000 hits per month or even more. Article marketing is one of the finest ways of marketing a business or a website online. It may take some time before it starts producing results, but once the situation is past that stage there is no looking back as the business starts flourishing due to this effort. Many of the online marketers now prefer article marketing as it is one of the best ways to market your product or service on line.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Brand New Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Today, you don't need to be a genius to figure out the best website promotion tool. Because everyone in the internet is raving about article marketing. Everybody is talking about how effective it is in bringing targeted traffic to a particular website and how it is so much easy to do. Anyone who can produce quality articles can succeed in this field and the only thing you have to remember is, you have to be consistent so the flow of traffic to your website will not cease.

Here are some of the top secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Look for other avenues where you can post your articles. Don't be contented with publishing sites, blogs, ezines, and other websites. There are other marketers who are publishing their articles to websites that are syndicated by news aggregators and they get significant traffic because of this.

2. Stick to your topic. How would you like to read an article that talks about eight different topics? It can be downright confusing and annoying, right? So as not to disappoint your readers, make sure that your articles are focus on one central topic. If you have other topics in mind, create other articles for them.

3. Submit only original articles. Publishing sites have the resources to determine if your articles were copied from other site and they will reject your submission. To succeed in article marketing, you must make it a habit to write your own articles not only to respect other people's work but also to showcase your knowledge on your chosen niche.

4. Use easy to understand language and simple words. This is to make sure that your readers will not have difficulty understanding what you are trying to get across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Writing: 5 Prospect Killing Mistakes Made Before You Even Submit Your Articles

Article writing and marketing works when you do it right. Here are 5 mistakes to get out of the way so you can do it right.

Mistake #1 You Dont Submit Any Articles I know it sounds silly, but many people write their articles and never submit them. Either they do not get around to it, dont know how, or are afraid of getting rejected by the article directories.

Solution: Submit your articles! Make it a goal to submit your first article before your head hits the pillow tonight. While it is unlikely that you will get rejected, even if you do, most article directories will work with you to get you accepted.

Mistake #2 Boring Key Word Empty Titles The purpose of the title for your reader is to make the reader want to read your article. The purpose of the title for the search engines is to have key words in your titles that will get picked up by the search engines.

Solution: Design a title that pulls the reader in with benefits and uses key words in the first four words of the title.

Mistake #3 Academic Summaries If youre the purpose of your title is to pull the reader into your article, the purpose of your article summary to pull the reader even further in. Most people write an academic sounding summary such as This article is about blah, blah, blah.

Solution: Write an article summary that defines a problem that needs to be solved and then promise to solve it.

Mistake #4 An Un-Optimized Article Body I see it all the time someone writes what is perhaps a decent article but then places it in the body submission field as one big chuck of text. What is the problem with that? This makes it tough to read online and gives the impression that this will take a long time to get through.

Solution: Break your article body up with lists/bulleted points, sub-headings and block quotes.

Mistake #5 A Pointless Resource Box The point of your resource box is not to create an online ego wall like the wall in your office with all your diplomas and awards. The purpose of your resource box is to get the reader to click through to your web site and become a visitor, prospect or customer.

Solution: Give your reader a good reason to click through to your web site by letting them know there are more good tips on your web site like the ones they have just read. Include at least one complete link ( back to your web site.

Avoid these five mistakes and implement the solutions before you submit your articles.

To listen to an audio clip about these mistakes, recorded from a live teleseminar on Article Writing & Marketing, you are invited to visit

If you would like to banish writers block forever and write away, right away, then get yourself a copy of my 26 Article Writing Templates with Examples at

You can also subscribe to The Article Writing & Article Marketing Tips Newsletter delivered to your email inbox twice a month from Jeff Herring, The Article Guy.

5 Ways To Determine The Best Article Submission Sites

Every day new articles directories are popping up. I regularly receive invitations from new directory owners inviting me to submit articles. The question is, should you contribute content to these new sites? In my case, I routinely submit my articles to about 30 sites. As you can imagine, it is a fairly time consuming process. As a result, I only submit my articles to the best article submission sites. In most cases, you will maximize your marketing results by contributing to the best article submission sites. My definition of the best articles submission sites is as follows:

1. It must be a site that has been around for a while. I don't want to spend my time submitting to a brand new site only to see that the owner is not making enough money and closes the site in two months. My time is too precious to waste on fledgling sites.

2. I only submit to sites that have a Page Rank of 4 or above. Search engines could penalize your site if you have tons of links with poorly ranked sites. To ensure this doesn't happen to my sites, I only submit to sites with good Page Rank numbers.

3. Another of my qualifications for best article submission sites is a timely publishing schedule. I hate it when I spend my time submitting articles to a site and the editors still haven't reviewed and published my articles from 10 days ago. When this happens, I immediately drop them from my submission list.

4. Traffic - mine, not theirs. I check on where my traffic is coming from each day. It is a time consuming process, but it is very much worthwhile. If I notice that I am not getting any traffic from a particular directory, I drop from my list. As far as I'm concerned, there is no sense in sending my content to directories that are not benefiting me.

5. About once a month, I will view my article stats from each of the directories that I submit to. If the stats show lackluster page views, I will consider dropping them from my list and adding a site that I feel can be more productive.

To qualify for my list of one of The Best Article Submission Sites, a site must satisfy each of the criteria above. Don't just write articles and submit them to one or two sites that you heard are good. Do some research and submit to sites that can benefit you the most.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Some Money

Make Money Writing - It's easier than you think!

Are You Sick To Death Of Article Marketing?

Article marketing is a viral method of getting information to the public. You do a little bit of work, then reap the benefits of having all those "soldiers" out there doing battle for you online. Articles always have, and always will be one of the best ways of getting your message across to your audience.

Here are more reasons why article marketing is essential to your business, whether online or offline:

  1. Articles are viral. This point is indisputable. Writing articles and submitting them to directories online gets your name out there in a hurry. This is not an overnight process; it does require time and patience. But writing and submitting articles betters your chance of exposure on a variety of different online venues.
  2. Articles are free advertisement. Provided that you write your own articles, article marketing is a free form of advertisement. Included in each of your articles is a resource box, where you can promote your product or website.
  3. Articles send more traffic to your website. When you write and submit articles with good, informative content, they are more likely to be picked up and published by website owners and newsletter publishers.
  4. Articles build your credibility as an expert. The more articles you write and submit, the greater your following will become. In addition, you will create an expert status for yourself within your niche.

Whether you believe it or not, article marketing is very much alive. It is very much a part of many online business owner's daily process. Why not give it a try and find out for yourself?

You can actually create streams of income from article writing and marketing. If you'd like to see how I do it, click here =>

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Exciting Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are looking for a marketing tool that can virtually do it all - drive traffic to your website, improve your page ranking, position yourself as an expert on your chosen field, augment your sales potentials, and secure more sales - article marketing will work best for you.

Here are the 4 exciting steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Do not advertise on your content. Instead, strive to provide valuable information that will be useful and relevant to the needs and demands of your potential clients. Talk about their problems, issues that are affecting the niche to which they belong to, and possible solutions that can improve the quality of their lives. When you are able to educate and help you readers, they are more likely to trust you and consider doing business with you.

2. Improve your writing skills. The quality of the content of your articles is the major element that will determine the success of your article marketing strategy. Thus, it is vital that you continuously hone your writing skills to ensure that you will be able to deliver better articles each time you write.

3. Pick topics that are closely related to your products. In writing your articles, you must remember that one of your main goals is to sell your products and that it would help if the topics you write about are related to your offerings. This will make it easier for you to attract targeted traffic that can lead to improved sales potential.

4. Your articles must be scannable. As a writer, you have to accept the fact that most online users do not usually read articles word for word. They usually scan through the content to find specific information that they will find valuable to their concern and interests. To make it easier for them to read your articles, make them scannable. Use subheadings, short paragraphs, bullet points, and numbered lists whenever appropriate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.